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Sigma KEE - Name

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Name EnglishLanguage "Name denotes the Class of ContentBearingObjects that identify an Entity, typically in some linguistic form such as an epithet, given name, street address, etc.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 24528-24531
(subclass Name Descriptor) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24527-24527

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Identifier Name) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24533-24533
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Name "name") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65220-65220


        (instance ?TEXT BirthCertificate)
        (instance ?B Birth)
        (instance ?A Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?A))
    (containsFormula ?TEXT
        (exists (?DAY ?P ?N)
                (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
                (instance ?DAY Day)
                (birthplace ?A ?P)
                (instance ?P GeographicArea)
                (represents ?N ?A)
                (instance ?N Name)))))
Biography.kif 250-264
        (instance ?TEXT DeathCertificate)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?A Human)
        (experiencer ?D ?A))
    (containsFormula ?TEXT
        (exists (?DAY ?P ?N ?PROC)
                (deathdate ?A ?DAY)
                (instance ?DAY Day)
                (deathplace ?A ?P)
                (instance ?P GeographicArea)
                (represents ?N ?A)
                (instance ?N Name)
                (causes ?PROC ?D)
                (instance ?PROC Process)))))
Biography.kif 280-296

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