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Sigma KEE - biologicalAgentCarrier

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation biologicalAgentCarrier EnglishLanguage "(biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?ORGANISM) means that the subclass of Organism ?ORGANISM is a carrier of the subclass of BiologicalAgent ?AGENT.") WMD.kif 972-974
(domainSubclass biologicalAgentCarrier 1 BiologicalAgent) WMD.kif 970-970
(domainSubclass biologicalAgentCarrier 2 Organism) WMD.kif 971-971
(instance biologicalAgentCarrier BinaryPredicate) WMD.kif 969-969

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "%2 %n 是 %1 的病毒传递者") domainEnglishFormat.kif 304-304
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "%2 %n 是 %1 的病毒傳遞者") domainEnglishFormat.kif 303-303
(format EnglishLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "%2 is %n a biological agent carrier of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 302-302
(termFormat ChineseLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "生物制剂载体") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11099-11099
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "生物製劑載體") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11098-11098
(termFormat EnglishLanguage biologicalAgentCarrier "biological agent carrier") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11097-11097


        (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?ORGANISM)
        (subclass ?SUB ?ORGANISM))
    (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?SUB))
WMD.kif 976-980
    (biologicalAgentCarrier ?ID ?M)
    (equal ?ID
        (InfectionFn ?M)))
Medicine.kif 2007-2009


        (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?ORGANISM)
        (subclass ?SUB ?ORGANISM))
    (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?SUB))
WMD.kif 976-980
    (equal ?ID
        (InfectionFn ?M))
    (biologicalAgentCarrier ?ID ?M))
Medicine.kif 2003-2005

appearance as argument number 0

(biologicalAgentCarrier BacillusAnthracis HoofedMammal) WMD.kif 285-285
(biologicalAgentCarrier BordetellaPertussis Human) WMD.kif 1586-1586
(biologicalAgentCarrier Borrelia Louse) Medicine.kif 1429-1429
(biologicalAgentCarrier Borrelia Tick) Medicine.kif 1428-1428
(biologicalAgentCarrier BurkholderiaMallei Mammal) WMD.kif 356-356
(biologicalAgentCarrier BurkholderiaPseudomallei Mammal) WMD.kif 372-372
(biologicalAgentCarrier ChlamydiaPsittaci Bird) WMD.kif 1597-1597
(biologicalAgentCarrier Conotoxin Mollusk) WMD.kif 1470-1470
(biologicalAgentCarrier CrimeanCongoHemorrhagicFeverVirus Arachnid) WMD.kif 1919-1919
(biologicalAgentCarrier DengueFeverVirus Mosquito) WMD.kif 1638-1638
(biologicalAgentCarrier EasternEquineEncephalitisVirus Mosquito) WMD.kif 1689-1689
(biologicalAgentCarrier FrancisellaTularensis Arachnid) WMD.kif 1205-1205
(biologicalAgentCarrier FrancisellaTularensis Rodent) WMD.kif 1204-1204
(biologicalAgentCarrier GiardiaLamblia Rodent) WMD.kif 1365-1365
(biologicalAgentCarrier HerpesBVirus Monkey) WMD.kif 1524-1524
(biologicalAgentCarrier JapaneseEncephalitisVirus Mosquito) WMD.kif 1703-1703
(biologicalAgentCarrier JuninVirus Rodent) WMD.kif 1925-1925
(biologicalAgentCarrier LaCrosseVirus Mosquito) WMD.kif 1659-1659
(biologicalAgentCarrier LaCrosseVirus Rodent) WMD.kif 1660-1660
(biologicalAgentCarrier LassaVirus Rodent) WMD.kif 1860-1860
(biologicalAgentCarrier MachupoVirus Rodent) WMD.kif 1938-1938
(biologicalAgentCarrier MalarialPlasmodium Mosquito) WMD.kif 1615-1615
(biologicalAgentCarrier MonkeypoxVirus Mammal) WMD.kif 1235-1235
(biologicalAgentCarrier Myxomatosis Rodent) WMD.kif 1404-1404
(biologicalAgentCarrier RickettsiaProwazekii Arthropod) WMD.kif 267-267

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