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Sigma KEE - Storm

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Storm ChineseLanguage "Storm 发生于由 LowPressureWeatherSystemAtmosphere 占领的地区,里面的 Air 的流动方向是 MotionUpward。地面 WindLikely 高于30 KnotUnitOfSpeed 并或伴有 Precipitation。") Weather.kif 2869-2871
(documentation Storm EnglishLanguage "Storms occurs in an area where its Atmosphere is dominated by a LowPressureWeatherSystem with Air moving in MotionUpward.Surface Wind of over 30 KnotUnitOfSpeed and or Precipitation are Likely associated with Storms.") Weather.kif 2865-2868
(subclass Storm WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2872-2872 Storm est une sous-classe de WeatherProcess

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Blizzard Storm) Weather.kif 2600-2600 Blizzard est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass CyclonicStorm Storm) Weather.kif 541-541 CyclonicStorm est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass DustStorm Storm) Weather.kif 1237-1237 DustStorm est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass Snowstorm Storm) Weather.kif 2919-2919 Snowstorm est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass Squall Storm) Weather.kif 1235-1235 Squall est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass Thunderstorm Storm) Weather.kif 827-827 Thunderstorm est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass Tornado Storm) Weather.kif 1631-1631 Tornado est une sous-classe de Storm
(subclass Windstorm Storm) Weather.kif 1226-1226 Windstorm est une sous-classe de Storm
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Storm "风暴") Weather.kif 2874-2874
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Storm "storm") Weather.kif 2873-2873


    (instance ?STORM Storm)
        (WhenFn ?STORM)
        (exists (?AREA ?STRONG)
                (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
                (surfaceWindSpeed ?AREA
                    (MeasureFn ?STRONG KnotUnitOfSpeed))
                (greaterThan ?STRONG 30.0)))))
Weather.kif 2888-2897
    (instance ?STORM Storm)
        (WhenFn ?STORM)
        (exists (?LOW ?AREA ?AIR ?RISE)
                (instance ?LOW LowPressureWeatherSystem)
                (instance ?AREA Region)
                (eventLocated ?LOW ?AREA)
                (instance ?AIR Air)
                (instance ?RISE MotionUpward)
                (patient ?RISE ?AIR)
                (eventLocated ?RISE ?AREA)
                (subProcess ?RISE ?LOW)))))
Weather.kif 2899-2912
    (instance ?STORM Storm)
        (WhenFn ?STORM)
            (exists (?P ?AREA)
                    (instance ?P Precipitation)
                    (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
                    (eventLocated ?P ?AREA)
                    (subProcess ?P ?STORM))) Likely)))
Weather.kif 2876-2886

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