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Sigma KEE - NorthernFrisianLanguage

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(documentation NorthernFrisianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NorthernFrisianLanguage is a FrisianLanguage of Germany. SIL code: FRR. ISO 639-2: gem. Population: 10,000 speakers out of 60,000 population (1976 Stephens). Language of the home for 10,000 (1977 SIL). Region: Schleswig-Holstein, on the coastal strip between the rivers Eider in the south and Wiedau in the north, and adjacent islands of Fohr, Amrum, Sylt, Norstrand, Pellworm, the ten islands of the Halligen group, and Helgoland. Alternate names: NORDFRIESISCH. Dialects: MOORINGER (MOORINGA, MAINLAND FRISIAN), FERRING (FOHR-AMRUM), SOLRENG (SYLT), HELGOLAND. Comments: The first 3 dialects listed are different enough that more than one set of literature would be needed. Ferring dialect is actively used. Not intelligible to Eastern Frisian of Germany or Western Frisian of the Netherlands except to a few educated bilingual speakers of West Frisian. Mooringer has 70% lexical similarity with Standard German, 55% with English, 66% with Eastern Frisian, Fohr has 69% with Standard German, 62% with English, 68% with Western Frisian, 73% with Eastern Frisian, 86% with Mooringer, 91% with Amrum, Sylt has 64% with Standard German, 61% with English, 79% with Mooringer, 85% with Fohr. Standard German, Low Saxon, and some English are used as second languages, but fluency is limited. Few children speakers. The Solreng dialect is nearly extinct. There is ethnic pride, efforts to revive Frisian literature and bilingual education. Education is in Standard German only. Business and church services in German. Investigation needed: intelligibility with 3 dialects, BLN German, Low Saxon. Grammar. Literacy rate in first language: Few read Frisian. Bible portions 1954.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7676-7698
(externalImage NorthernFrisianLanguage " commons/ b/ bc/ Kartenordfriesischedialekte.GIF") pictureList.kif 8619-8619
(instance NorthernFrisianLanguage FrisianLanguage) Languages.kif 7675-7675 NorthernFrisianLanguage est une instance de FrisianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NorthernFrisianLanguage "北弗里斯兰语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41087-41087
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NorthernFrisianLanguage "北弗里斯蘭語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41086-41086
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NorthernFrisianLanguage "northern frisian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41085-41085

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