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Sigma KEE - Artery

Any BloodVessel which transfers Blood from the Heart to the extremities of the body. Note that there can be some variability between members of the same species in the branching of some particular arteries they have.
Parents blood vessel Any BodyVessel which is used to circulate Blood from one part of the body to another.
Children abdominal aortaIn human anatomy, the abdominal aorta is the largest Artery in the abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, it is a direct continuation of the descending aorta (of the thorax).[from Wikipedia]
 acromial arteryacromial artery
 afferent arterioleafferent arteriole
 anterior auricular branch arteryanterior auricular branch artery
 anterior humeral circumflex arteryanterior humeral circumflex artery
 anterior iliac artery divisionanterior iliac artery division
 anterior interosseous arteryanterior interosseous artery
 anterior interventricular arteryanterior interventricular artery
 anterior interventricular diagonal arteryanterior interventricular diagonal artery
 anterior interventricular septal arteryanterior interventricular septal artery
 anterior lateral malleolar arteryanterior lateral malleolar artery
 anterior medial malleolar arteryanterior medial malleolar artery
 anterior spinal arteryanterior spinal artery
 anterior tibial arteryanterior tibial artery
 anterior tibial recurrent arteryanterior tibial recurrent artery
 anterior ulnar recurrent arteryanterior ulnar recurrent artery
 anterolateral central arteryanterolateral central artery
 aortic archThe aortic arch, arch of the aorta, or transverse aortic arch is the part of the aorta between the ascending and descending aorta. The arch travels backward, so that it ultimately runs to the left of the Trachea.[from Wikipedia]
 arcuate arteryarcuate artery
 ascending aortaascending aorta
 ascending pharyngeal arteryascending pharyngeal artery
 axillary arteryaxillary artery
 basilar arterybasilar artery
 brachial arterybrachial artery
 brachiocephalic arteryThe brachiocephalic artery (or brachiocephalic trunk) is an artery of the mediastinum that supplies blood to the right Arm and the Head and Neck. It was previously known as the innominate artery, meaning unnamed artery. It is the first branch of the aortic arch. Soon after it emerges, the brachiocephalic artery divides into the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery. There is no brachiocephalic artery for the left side of the body. The left common carotid, and the left subclavian artery, come directly off the aortic arch. However, there are two brachiocephalic veins.[from Wikipedia]
 branch artery to surface of the femur and the knee jointbranch artery to surface of the femur and the knee joint
 branches to the deltoid muscle arterybranches to the deltoid muscle artery
 branch to abdominal muscles arterybranch to abdominal muscles artery
 branch to diaphragm arterybranch to diaphragm artery
 branch to lower part of the pericardium arterybranch to lower part of the pericardium artery
 branch to popliteus arterybranch to popliteus artery
 branch to vastus medialis arterybranch to vastus medialis artery
 branch to volar carpal network arterybranch to volar carpal network artery
 bronchial arterybronchial artery
 buhlers anastomotic arterybuhlers anastomotic artery
 carotid arterycarotid artery
 celiac arteryceliac artery
 cerebellar arterycerebellar artery
 cerebral arterycerebral artery
 cervical arterycervical artery
 circumflex arterycircumflex artery
 clavicular arteryclavicular artery
 common hepatic arterycommon hepatic artery
 common iliac arterycommon iliac artery
 common interosseous arterycommon interosseous artery
 communicating branch to the anterior tibial arterycommunicating branch to the anterior tibial artery
 costocervical trunk arterycostocervical trunk artery
 cricothyroid arterycricothyroid artery
 cystic arterycystic artery
 deep cervical arterydeep cervical artery
 deep circumflex iliac arterydeep circumflex iliac artery
 deep external pudendal arterydeep external pudendal artery
 deep femoral arterydeep femoral artery
 deep palmar arch arterydeep palmar arch artery
 deep volar arterydeep volar artery
 deltoid arterydeltoid artery
 descending genicular arterydescending genicular artery
 descending vasa recta arterydescending vasa recta artery
 dorsal carpal arch arterydorsal carpal arch artery
 dorsal carpal arterydorsal carpal artery
 dorsal carpal branch of radial arterydorsal carpal branch of radial artery
 dorsalis pedis arterydorsalis pedis artery
 dorsal pancreatic arterydorsal pancreatic artery
 efferent arterioleefferent arteriole
 esophageal arteryesophageal artery
 external carotid arteryexternal carotid artery
 external carotid terminal first portion arteryexternal carotid terminal first portion artery
 external carotid terminal second portion arteryexternal carotid terminal second portion artery
 external carotid terminal third portion arteryexternal carotid terminal third portion artery
 external iliac arteryexternal iliac artery
 external striate arteryexternal striate artery
 facial arteryfacial artery
 femoral arteryfemoral artery
 fibular arteryfibular artery
 first and second posterior intercostal arteryfirst and second posterior intercostal artery
 first dorsal metacarpal arteryfirst dorsal metacarpal artery
 first perforating arteryfirst perforating artery
 gastric arterygastric artery
 gastroduodenal arterygastroduodenal artery
 gonadal arterygonadal artery
 hepatic branch arteryhepatic branch artery
 hyoid arteryhyoid artery
 ileocolic arteryileocolic artery
 inferior epigastric arteryinferior epigastric artery
 inferior mesenteric arteryinferior mesenteric artery
 inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteryinferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
 inferior phrenic arteryinferior phrenic artery
 inferior thyroid arteryinferior thyroid artery
 inferior ulnar collateral arteryinferior ulnar collateral artery
 inferior ulnar collateral ascending branch arteryinferior ulnar collateral ascending branch artery
 inferior ulnar collateral descending branch arteryinferior ulnar collateral descending branch artery
 intercostal branch arteryintercostal branch artery
 interlobar arteryinterlobar artery
 interlobular arteryinterlobular artery
 internal carotid arteryinternal carotid artery
 internal iliac arteryinternal iliac artery
 internal striate arteryinternal striate artery
 internal thoracic arteryinternal thoracic artery
 interosseous recurrent arteryinterosseous recurrent artery
 intestinal arteryintestinal artery
 labyrinthine arterylabyrinthine artery
 lateral femoral circumflex arterylateral femoral circumflex artery
 lateral femoral circumflex ascending branch arterylateral femoral circumflex ascending branch artery
 lateral femoral circumflex descending branch arterylateral femoral circumflex descending branch artery
 lateral femoral circumflex transverse branch arterylateral femoral circumflex transverse branch artery
 lateral inferior genicular arterylateral inferior genicular artery
 lateral plantar arterylateral plantar artery
 lateral superior genicular arterylateral superior genicular artery
 lateral superior genicular deep branch arterylateral superior genicular deep branch artery
 lateral superior genicular superficial branch arterylateral superior genicular superficial branch artery
 lateral thoracic arterylateral thoracic artery
 left colic arteryleft colic artery
 left colic ascending artery branchleft colic ascending artery branch
 left colic descending artery branchleft colic descending artery branch
 left coronary arteryThe left coronary artery (LCA) (also known as the left main coronary artery, or left main stem coronary artery) is a coronary artery that arises from the aorta above the left cusp of the aortic valve, and supplies blood to the left side of the heart muscle. The left coronary artery typically runs for 10-25 mm, then bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery, and the left circumflex artery. The part that is between the aorta and the bifurcation only is known as the left main artery (LM), while the term 'LCA' might refer to just the left main, or to the left main and all its eventual branches.[from Wikipedia]
 left gastro omental arteryleft gastro omental artery
 left hepatic arteryleft hepatic artery
 left marginal arteryleft marginal artery
 left subclavian arteryIn human anatomy, the subclavian arteries are paired major arteries of the upper thorax, below the clavicle. They receive blood from the aortic arch. The left subclavian artery supplies blood to the left arm and the right subclavian artery supplies blood to the right arm, with some branches supplying the head and thorax. On the left side of the body, the subclavian comes directly off the aortic arch, while on the right side it arises from the relatively short brachiocephalic artery when it bifurcates into the subclavian and the right common carotid artery. The usual branches of the subclavian on both sides of the body are the vertebral artery, the internal thoracic artery, the thyrocervical trunk, the costocervical trunk and the dorsal scapular artery, which may branch off the transverse cervical artery, which is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk. The subclavian becomes the axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib.[from Wikipedia]
 lingual arterylingual artery
 lower3rd to11th posterior intercostal arterylower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery
 lower branches of the space anastomoses arterylower branches of the space anastomoses artery
 lumbar arterylumbar artery
 maxillary arterymaxillary artery
 medial collateral arterymedial collateral artery
 medial femoral circumflex arterymedial femoral circumflex artery
 medial femoral circumflex ascending branch arterymedial femoral circumflex ascending branch artery
 medial femoral circumflex descending acetabular branch arterymedial femoral circumflex descending acetabular branch artery
 medial femoral circumflex descending branch arterymedial femoral circumflex descending branch artery
 medial femoral circumflex descending deep branch arterymedial femoral circumflex descending deep branch artery
 medial femoral circumflex descending superficial branch arterymedial femoral circumflex descending superficial branch artery
 medial inferior genicular arterymedial inferior genicular artery
 medial plantar arterymedial plantar artery
 medial superior genicular arterymedial superior genicular artery
 median sacral arterymedian sacral artery
 mediastinal branch arterymediastinal branch artery
 meningeal branch of vertebral arterymeningeal branch of vertebral artery
 middle colic arterymiddle colic artery
 middle genicular arterymiddle genicular artery
 middle suprarenal arterymiddle suprarenal artery
 middle temporal arterymiddle temporal artery
 muscular branch arterymuscular branch artery
 muscular ulnar arterymuscular ulnar artery
 musculo articular branch arterymusculo articular branch artery
 musculophrenic arterymusculophrenic artery
 nutrient arteries of radius and ulnanutrient arteries of radius and ulna
 occipital arteryoccipital artery
 ocular group arteryocular group artery
 oesophageal branch arteryoesophageal branch artery
 ophthalmic arteryophthalmic artery
 orbital group arteryorbital group artery
 palmar carpal arch arterypalmar carpal arch artery
 palmar carpal branch of radial arterypalmar carpal branch of radial artery
 pectoral arterypectoral artery
 perforating arteryperforating artery
 perforating branch arteryperforating branch artery
 perforating branch to the posterior tibial arteryperforating branch to the posterior tibial artery
 pericardiophrenic arterypericardiophrenic artery
 peritubular capillaryperitubular capillary
 pontine branch arterypontine branch artery
 popliteal arterypopliteal artery
 posterior auricular arteryposterior auricular artery
 posterior communicating arteryposterior communicating artery
 posterior division iliac arteryposterior division iliac artery
 posterior humeral circumflex arteryposterior humeral circumflex artery
 posterior interosseous arteryposterior interosseous artery
 posterior interventricular arteryposterior interventricular artery
 posterior spinal arteryposterior spinal artery
 posterior spinal ascending branch arteryposterior spinal ascending branch artery
 posterior spinal descending branch arteryposterior spinal descending branch artery
 posterior tibial arteryposterior tibial artery
 posterior ulnar recurrent arteryposterior ulnar recurrent artery
 posterolateral arteryposterolateral artery
 post tibial recurrent arterypost tibial recurrent artery
 princeps pollicis arteryprinceps pollicis artery
 profunda brachii arteryprofunda brachii artery
 proper hepatic arteryproper hepatic artery
 pulmonary arteryAn Artery that carries Blood from the Heart to a Lung.
 radial arteryradial artery
 radial branch artery in the handradial branch artery in the hand
 radial branch at the wrist arteryradial branch at the wrist artery
 radial branches in the forearmradial branches in the forearm
 radial collateral arteryradial collateral artery
 radialis indicis arteryradialis indicis artery
 radial recurrent arteryradial recurrent artery
 ramus intermediusramus intermedius
 renal arteryrenal artery
 right colic arteryright colic artery
 right coronary arteryIn the blood supply of the heart, the right coronary artery (RCA) is an artery originating above the right cusp of the aortic valve, at the right aortic sinus in the Heart. It travels down the right coronary sulcus, towards the crux of the heart. It gives off many branches, including the sinoatrial nodal artery, right marginal artery, posterior interventricular artery, conus artery, and atrioventricular nodal branch. It contributes the right side of the heart, and parts of the interventricular septum.[from Wikipedia]
 right gastro omental arteryright gastro omental artery
 right hepatic arteryright hepatic artery
 right marginal arteryright marginal artery
 right subclavian arteryright subclavian artery
 s a nodal arterys a nodal artery
 saphenous branch arterysaphenous branch artery
 second perforating arterysecond perforating artery
 short gastric arteryshort gastric artery
 sigmoid arterysigmoid artery
 six anterior intercostal branch arterysix anterior intercostal branch artery
 splenic arterysplenic artery
 sternal branch arterysternal branch artery
 sternocleidomastoid arterysternocleidomastoid artery
 subcostal arterysubcostal artery
 subscapular arterysubscapular artery
 superficial circumflex iliac arterysuperficial circumflex iliac artery
 superficial epigastric arterysuperficial epigastric artery
 superficial external pudendal arterysuperficial external pudendal artery
 superficial palmar branch of the radial arterysuperficial palmar branch of the radial artery
 superficial temporal arterysuperficial temporal artery
 superficial temporal frontal branch arterysuperficial temporal frontal branch artery
 superficial temporal parietal branch arterysuperficial temporal parietal branch artery
 superficial volar arch arterysuperficial volar arch artery
 superior epigastric arterysuperior epigastric artery
 superior laryngeal arterysuperior laryngeal artery
 superior mesenteric arterysuperior mesenteric artery
 superior pancreaticoduodenal arterysuperior pancreaticoduodenal artery
 superior phrenic arterysuperior phrenic artery
 superior rectal arterysuperior rectal artery
 superior thoracic arterysuperior thoracic artery
 superior thyroid arterysuperior thyroid artery
 superior ulnar collateral arterysuperior ulnar collateral artery
 suprascapular arterysuprascapular artery
 supreme intercostal arterysupreme intercostal artery
 sural arterysural artery
 third or fourth perforating arterythird or fourth perforating artery
 thoracic aortaThe thoracic aorta is a part of the aorta located in the thorax. It is a continuation of the aortic arch. It is located within the posterior mediastinal cavity, but frequently bulges into the left pleural cavity. The descending thoracic aorta begins at the lower border of the fourth thoracic vertebra and ends in front of the lower border of the twelfth thoracic vertebra, at the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm where it becomes the abdominal aorta. At its commencement, it is situated on the left of the vertebral column; it approaches the median line as it descends; and, at its termination, lies directly in front of the column. The thoracic aorta has a curved shape that faces forward, and has small branches. It has a radius of approximately 1.16 cm.[from Wikipedia]
 thoracoacromial arterythoracoacromial artery
 thymic branches arterythymic branches artery
 thyrocervical trunk arterythyrocervical trunk artery
 transverse cervical arterytransverse cervical artery
 transverse cervical deep branch dorsal scapular arterytransverse cervical deep branch dorsal scapular artery
 transverse cervical superficial branch arterytransverse cervical superficial branch artery
 transverse facial arterytransverse facial artery
 ulnar arteryulnar artery
 upper branch intercostal arteryupper branch intercostal artery
 vertebral arteryvertebral artery
 volar carpal arteryvolar carpal artery

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