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Sigma KEE - RightCuboidBone
RightCuboidBone(right cuboid bone)

appearance as argument number 1

(connectedBodyPartTypes RightCuboidBone RightProximalFootPhalanxIVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1222-1222 connectedBodyPartTypes right cuboid bone, right proximal foot phalanx IV bone and human
(connectedBodyPartTypes RightCuboidBone RightProximalFootPhalanxVBone Human) Anatomy.kif 1223-1223 connectedBodyPartTypes right cuboid bone, right proximal foot phalanx V bone and human
(documentation RightCuboidBone EnglishLanguage "right cuboid bone") Anatomy.kif 1220-1220
(subclass RightCuboidBone CuboidBone) Anatomy.kif 1218-1218 Right cuboid bone is a subclass of cuboid bone

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage RightCuboidBone "right cuboid bone") Anatomy.kif 1219-1219

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