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Sigma KEE - Physical

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Physical ChineseLanguage "存在时空中某位置的个体。注:位置本身应理解为,存在于某个时空 的位置。") chinese_format.kif 1550-1551
(documentation Physical EnglishLanguage "An entity that has a location in space-time. Note that locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time.") Merge.kif 835-837
(documentation Physical JapaneseLanguage "時空に位置するエンティティ。 注:場所はそれ自体時空にあると理解する。") japanese_format.kif 120-121
(documentation Physical SpanishLanguage "Una entidad que tiene ubicación en espacio-tiempo. Note que las ubicaciones se entienden tener sitio en espacio-tiempo.") spanish_format.kif 139-140
(partition Physical Object Process) Merge.kif 833-833 劃分 Physical, Object and Process
(subclass Physical Entity) Merge.kif 832-832 子類 Physical and Entity

appearance as argument number 2

(partition Entity Physical Abstract) Merge.kif 816-816 劃分 Entity, Physical and Abstract
(subclass ContentBearingPhysical Physical) Merge.kif 1304-1304 子類 內容承載物理 and Physical
(subclass FinancialAsset Physical) FinancialOntology.kif 41-41 子類 金融資產 and Physical
(subclass Object Physical) Merge.kif 846-846 子類 Object and Physical
(subclass PhysicalSystem Physical) Merge.kif 6121-6121 子類 物理系統 and Physical
(subclass Process Physical) Merge.kif 1622-1622 子類 Process and Physical
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Physical "物理") chinese_format.kif 814-814
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Physical "physical") english_format.kif 830-830
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Physical "physique") french_format.kif 490-490
(termFormat Hindi Physical "bhOtika vaswu") terms-hindi.txt 24-24
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Physical "Entit�Concreta") terms-it.txt 26-26
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Physical "物理") japanese_format.kif 2175-2175
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Physical "Fisico") portuguese_format.kif 442-442
(termFormat cb Physical "sa lawas") terms-cb.txt 27-27
(termFormat cz Physical "fyzick� objekt") terms-cz.txt 57-57
(termFormat ro Physical "fizic") relations-ro.kif 511-511
(termFormat tg Physical "materyal") terms-tg.txt 27-27

appearance as argument number 3

(domain WhenFn 1 Physical) Merge.kif 8490-8490 何時, 1 and Physical
(domain WhereFn 1 Physical) Merge.kif 4222-4222 哪裡, 1 and Physical
(domain abstractCounterpart 2 Physical) Merge.kif 6112-6112 abstractCounterpart, 2 and Physical
(domain altitude 1 Physical) Merge.kif 7724-7724 高度, 1 and Physical
(domain altitude 2 Physical) Merge.kif 7725-7725 高度, 2 and Physical
(domain anniversary 1 Physical) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24180-24180 週年, 1 and Physical
(domain attitudeForObject 3 Physical) emotion.kif 2120-2120 attitudeForObject, 3 and Physical
(domain cooccur 1 Physical) Merge.kif 8411-8411 一同發生, 1 and Physical
(domain cooccur 2 Physical) Merge.kif 8412-8412 一同發生, 2 and Physical
(domain courseWRTCompassNorth 1 Physical) Geography.kif 3817-3817 courseWRT羅盤北, 1 and Physical
(domain courseWRTCompassNorth 2 Physical) Geography.kif 3818-3818 courseWRT羅盤北, 2 and Physical
(domain courseWRTMagneticNorth 1 Physical) Geography.kif 3785-3785 courseWRT北磁, 1 and Physical
(domain courseWRTMagneticNorth 2 Physical) Geography.kif 3786-3786 courseWRT北磁, 2 and Physical
(domain courseWRTTrueNorth 1 Physical) Geography.kif 3722-3722 courseWRT 真北, 1 and Physical
(domain courseWRTTrueNorth 2 Physical) Geography.kif 3723-3723 courseWRT 真北, 2 and Physical
(domain date 1 Physical) Merge.kif 8566-8566 日期, 1 and Physical
(domain dateDissolved 1 Physical) Government.kif 2555-2555 日期解散, 1 and Physical
(domain dateEstablished 1 Physical) Mid-level-ontology.kif 978-978 建立日期, 1 and Physical
(domain distance 1 Physical) Merge.kif 7702-7702 距離, 1 and Physical
(domain distance 2 Physical) Merge.kif 7703-7703 距離, 2 and Physical
(domain evidence 2 Physical) Law.kif 178-178 evidence, 2 and Physical
(domain flows 1 Physical) Geography.kif 5428-5428 流動, 1 and Physical
(domain flows 2 Physical) Geography.kif 5429-5429 流動, 2 and Physical
(domain hasPurpose 1 Physical) Merge.kif 3945-3945 有目的, 1 and Physical
(domain hasPurposeForAgent 1 Physical) Merge.kif 3961-3961 有代理人的目的, 1 and Physical

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (buys ?CUST ?AGENT ?ITEM)
        (instance ?ITEM Physical))
    (exists (?TRANS)
            (instance ?TRANS Buying)
            (patient ?TRANS ?ITEM)
            (agent ?TRANS ?CUST)
            (origin ?TRANS ?AGENT))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29951-29960
        (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL
            (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2))
        (instance ?INST1 Physical)
        (instance ?INST2 Physical))
        (time ?INST1 ?INTERVAL)
        (time ?INST2 ?INTERVAL)))
Merge.kif 7982-7989
        (instance ?B Buying)
        (patient ?B ?ITEM)
        (origin ?B ?AGENT)
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validPaymentType ?PS ?PAY))
        (exists (?PAYMENT)
                (instance ?PAYMENT ?PAY)
                (subProcess ?PAYMENT ?B))) Likely))
Catalog.kif 337-352
        (instance ?BIDDING Bidding)
        (instance ?OBJECT Physical)
        (instance ?AMOUNT CurrencyMeasure)
        (instance ?AGENT ?AGENT)
        (objectOfBid ?BIDDING ?OBJECT)
        (amountOfBid ?BIDDING ?AMOUNT)
        (agent ?BIDDING ?AGENT))
    (bidPrice ?OBJECT ?AMOUNT ?AGENT))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1416-1425
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
        (component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
        (patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM)
        (instance ?ITEM Physical))
            (instance ?STATING Stating)
            (patient ?STATING ?DESCRIPTION)
            (refers ?DESCRIPTION ?ITEM)
            (part ?DESCRIPTIONCONTENT ?PAGE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2078-2091
        (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)
        (instance ?REL SpatialRelation)
        (instance ?OBJ1 Physical)
        (instance ?OBJ2 Physical)
        (?REL ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
        (WhenFn ?OBJ1)
        (WhenFn ?OBJ2)))
Merge.kif 8271-8278
        (instance ?S Searching)
        (patient ?S ?OBJ)
        (instance ?OBJ Physical))
    (exists (?LOC ?AGENT)
            (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)
            (agent ?S ?AGENT)
            (instance ?LOC Object)
            (located ?OBJ ?LOC)
            (hasPurposeForAgent ?S
                (knows ?AGENT
                    (located ?OBJ ?LOC)) ?AGENT))))
Merge.kif 13006-13019
        (offers ?AGENT ?CATALOG)
        (catalogItem ?OBJ ?CATALOG)
        (subclass ?OBJ Physical))
        (exists (?S ?X)
                (instance ?X ?OBJ)
                (instance ?S Selling)
                (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                (patient ?S ?X))) Possibility))
Catalog.kif 51-62
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validFor ?PS ?CUSTCLASS)
        (instance ?CUSTOMER ?CUSTCLASS))
                (instance ?B Buying)
                (agent ?B ?CUSTOMER)
                (origin ?B ?AGENT)
                (patient ?B ?ITEM))
            (transactionAmount ?B ?PRICE)) Likely))
Catalog.kif 354-370
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validityPeriod ?PS ?TIMEINT))
    (holdsDuring ?TIMEINT
                    (instance ?S Selling)
                    (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                    (patient ?S ?ITEM))
                (transactionAmount ?S ?PRICE)) Likely)))
Catalog.kif 372-387
        (property ?OBJ ?SHAPE)
        (instance ?OBJ Physical)
        (instance ?SHAPE ShapeAttribute))
    (shape ?OBJ ?SHAPE))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25579-25584
    (instance ?PHYS Physical)
    (exists (?LOC ?TIME)
            (located ?PHYS ?LOC)
            (time ?PHYS ?TIME))))
Merge.kif 839-844


        (attribute ?X ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR AmbienceAttribute))
    (instance ?X Physical))
Dining.kif 1066-1070
        (attribute ?X Historical)
        (instance ?X City))
    (exists (?EV)
            (instance ?EV Physical)
            (attribute ?EV Historical)
            (eventLocated ?EV ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26582-26590
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER FinancialTransaction))))
    (exists (?ITEM ?BUYING)
                (KappaFn ?ITEM
                        (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                        (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                        (member ?BUYING ?COLL)
                        (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM))))
            (BoughtItemsFn ?COLL))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2887-2903
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (exists (?LISTING ?SITE ?ITEM)
                    (KappaFn ?LISTING
                            (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                            (instance ?SITE WebSite)
                            (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                            (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                            (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM)
                            (hostedOn ?LISTING ?SITE)
                            (exists (?BUYING)
                                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                    (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM)
                                    (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?SITE)))))))
            (CardinalityFn ?COLL))
        (BidCountFn ?COLL)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2845-2870
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (KappaFn ?BIDDING
                        (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                        (instance ?BIDDING Bidding)
                        (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                        (objectOfBid ?BIDDING ?ITEM)
                        (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM))))
            (BidCountFn ?COLL))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2922-2940
        (instance ?REL ObjectAttitude)
        (?REL ?AGENT ?THING))
    (instance ?THING Physical))
Merge.kif 2715-2719
    (attribute ?X Historical)
    (instance ?X Physical))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26574-26576
    (instance ?CHARGE FinalValueFee)
            (instance ?ADVERT WebListing)
            (instance ?SELLING Selling)
            (instance ?OWNER AutonomousAgent)
            (instance ?ITEM Physical)
            (instance ?ADVERT WebListing)
            (patient ?ADVERT ?ITEM)
            (patient ?SELLING ?ITEM)
            (causes ?SELLING ?CHARGE)
            (agent ?CHARGE ?OWNER)
            (hostedOn ?ADVERT ?SITE)
            (possesses ?OWNER ?SITE)
            (eCommerceSite ?SELLING ?OWNER))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 240-255
    (instance ?RA RepresentationalArtWork)
    (exists (?P)
            (instance ?P Physical)
            (represents ?RA ?P))))
Merge.kif 15894-15899
    (instance ?S Searching)
    (exists (?AGENT ?OBJ ?LOC)
            (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)
            (agent ?S ?AGENT)
            (instance ?OBJ Physical)
            (patient ?S ?OBJ)
            (instance ?LOC Object)
            (located ?OBJ ?LOC)
            (hasPurposeForAgent ?S
                (knows ?AGENT
                    (located ?OBJ ?LOC)) ?AGENT))))
Merge.kif 12992-13004
    (instance ?VIEW View)
    (exists (?ENTITY)
            (instance ?ENTITY Physical)
            (represents ?VIEW ?ENTITY))))
Dining.kif 943-948
    (siteCatalog ?DATABASE ?WEBSITE)
    (exists (?PART ?PRODUCTS ?BUYING)
            (instance ?PRODUCTS Collection)
            (part ?PART ?DATABASE)
            (represents ?PART ?PRODUCTS)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?PRODUCTS)
                        (instance ?MEMBER Physical)
                            (KappaFn ?BUYING
                                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                    (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?WEBSITE))) patient ?MEMBER)))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2242-2259

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners