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Sigma KEE - MealAttributeFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MealAttributeFn EnglishLanguage "(MealAttributeFn ?MEAL ?AREA) returns a RelationalAttribute to describe the Meal ?MEAL in a specific Region ?AREA. This coveres the cases where Steak and Eggs would be dinner in Asia but breakfast in the US.") Food.kif 1892-1895
(domain MealAttributeFn 1 Meal) Food.kif 1898-1898 MealAttributeFn, 1 and Meal
(domain MealAttributeFn 2 Region) Food.kif 1899-1899 MealAttributeFn, 2 and Region
(instance MealAttributeFn BinaryFunction) Food.kif 1891-1891 MealAttributeFn and BinaryFunction
(range MealAttributeFn RelationalAttribute) Food.kif 1900-1900 範圍 MealAttributeFn and RelationalAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage MealAttributeFn "对于 %1 合适的 meal 在 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3838-3838
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage MealAttributeFn "對於 %1 合適的 meal 在 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3837-3837
(format EnglishLanguage MealAttributeFn "the appropriate meal for %1 in %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3836-3836
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MealAttributeFn "meal attribute function") Food.kif 1896-1896


    (attribute ?MEAL ContinentalBreakfast)
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL NorthAmerica))
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL Europe))))
Food.kif 1725-1729


(exists (?MEAL ?REGION)
    (attribute ?MEAL
        (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL ?REGION)))
Food.kif 1902-1903 Meal Region attribute Meal and 對於 Meal 合適的 meal Region

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