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Sigma KEE - SSHWS4

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(documentation SSHWS4 ChineseLanguage "萨菲尔辛普森飓风4 (SSHWS4)级别的台风(Hurricane) 估计它的一分钟平均风速 (Mean1MinuteWindSpeedFn) 在 130 到 156 mph(209-251 km/ h)。") Weather.kif 2408-2409
(documentation SSHWS4 EnglishLanguage "The estimated highest Mean1MinuteWindSpeedFn (one-minute sustained winds) for a Hurricane of SSHWSAttribute SSHWS4 ranges between 130 and 156 mph (209-251 km/ h).") Weather.kif 2405-2407
(instance SSHWS4 SSHWSAttribute) Weather.kif 2412-2412 SSHWS4 and SSHWSAttribute
(speedScaleAttributeMinMax SSHWS4
    (MeasureFn 130.0 MilesPerHour)
    (MeasureFn 156.0 MilesPerHour))
Weather.kif 2415-2415 speedScaleAttributeMinMax SSHWS4, 測量 130.0 and MilesPerHour and 測量 156.0 and MilesPerHour
(successorAttribute SSHWS4 SSHWS5) Weather.kif 2413-2413 繼承屬性 SSHWS4 and SSHWS5

appearance as argument number 2

(successorAttribute SSHWS3 SSHWS4) Weather.kif 2401-2401 繼承屬性 SSHWS3 and SSHWS4
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SSHWS4 "萨菲尔辛普森飓风4") Weather.kif 2411-2411
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SSHWS4 "SSHWS4") Weather.kif 2410-2410

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