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Sigma KEE - IgnitionCoil

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation IgnitionCoil EnglishLanguage "An ElectricalTransformer designed to take 12 Volt power from the Battery of an Automobile and convert it to the 10,000-50,000 volts required to produce a Spark across the SparkPlugs.") Cars.kif 3122-3124
(subclass IgnitionCoil ElectricalTransformer) Cars.kif 3120-3120 子類 IgnitionCoil and 變壓器
(typicalPart IgnitionCoil Automobile) Cars.kif 3125-3125 IgnitionCoil typically汽車part
(typicallyContainsPart IgnitionCoil Automobile) Cars.kif 3126-3126 汽車 typicallypart IgnitionCoil

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage IgnitionCoil "ignition coil") Cars.kif 3121-3121


        (instance ?IC IgnitionCoil)
        (instance ?P ElectricTransmission)
        (resource ?P ?E1)
        (instance ?E1 Electricity)
        (instance ?E2 Electricity)
        (result ?P ?E2)
        (instrument ?P ?IC)
        (measure ?E1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 Volt)))
    (approximateValue ?N1 12))
Cars.kif 3140-3150
    (instance ?IC IgnitionCoil)
    (hasPurpose ?IC
        (exists (?E1 ?E2 ?P)
                (instance ?P ElectricTransmission)
                (resource ?P ?E1)
                (instance ?E1 Electricity)
                (instance ?E2 Electricity)
                (result ?P ?E2)
                (instrument ?P ?IC)))))
Cars.kif 3128-3138
    (instance ?IC IgnitionCoil)
    (hasPurpose ?IC
        (exists (?P ?S)
                (instance ?P ElectricTransmission)
                (instrument ?P ?IC)
                (instance ?S Spark)
                (causes ?P ?S)))))
Cars.kif 3152-3160

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