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Sigma KEE - FlowRegion

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FlowRegion EnglishLanguage "FlowRegion is a class of things whose boundaries are relatively stable but whose constitutive material is continuously moving through the region itself and being replaced by other, similar material. Each FlowRegion is constituted by a stream of matter moving as a whole. A FlowRegion may be liquid or gaseous. A wind may be considered as a Process or as a FlowRegion, similarly an OceanCurrent or a WaterWave. The motion process associated with a FlowRegion F is denoted by (FlowFn F). Note that certain properties belong to the FlowRegion itself (e.g., mass, length, volume, temperature, and speed or velocity of the region moving as a whole), while other properties of interest belong to the Motion of its constitutive stuff (e.g., velocity, direction). The motion of a FlowRegion as a whole (e.g., JetStream moves within the atmosphere) is distinguished from the motion of the pieces of stuff constituting the FlowRegion. See FlowFn and FlowRegionFn.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9072-9086
(subclass FlowRegion Region) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9070-9070 子類 流動區域 and Region

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AirStream FlowRegion) Weather.kif 62-62 子類 氣流 and 流動區域
(subclass StreamWaterArea FlowRegion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9060-9060 子類 StreamWaterArea and 流動區域
(subclass Tide FlowRegion) Geography.kif 4943-4943 子類 浪潮 and 流動區域
(subclass WaterCurrent FlowRegion) Geography.kif 4931-4931 子類 水流 and 流動區域
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FlowRegion "流动区域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24344-24344
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FlowRegion "流動區域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24343-24343
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FlowRegion "flow region") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24342-24342

appearance as argument number 3

(domain FlowFn 1 FlowRegion) Geography.kif 4893-4893 , 1 and 流動區域
(domain radiusOfMaximumWind 2 FlowRegion) Weather.kif 585-585 radiusOfMaximumWind, 2 and 流動區域


        (instance ?FR FlowRegion)
        (located ?FLUID ?FR))
    (attribute ?FLUID Fluid))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9088-9092

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