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Sigma KEE - EditionFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EditionFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 BinaryFunction,它把一种文本 (例如:阿加莎·克里斯蒂所作的'东方快车'谋杀案 ) 和这个文本的版本对应的一个数字连在一起。") chinese_format.kif 3567-3568
(documentation EditionFn EnglishLanguage "A BinaryFunction that maps a type of text (e.g. Agatha Christie's Murder_on_the_Orient_Express) and a number to the edition of the text type corresponding to the number.") Merge.kif 15533-15535
(domain EditionFn 2 PositiveInteger) Merge.kif 15531-15531 , 2 and PositiveInteger
(domainSubclass EditionFn 1 ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15530-15530 域子類 , 1 and ContentBearingObject
(instance EditionFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 15528-15528 and BinaryFunction
(instance EditionFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 15529-15529 and PartialValuedRelation
(rangeSubclass EditionFn ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15532-15532 範圍子類 and ContentBearingObject

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage EditionFn "%1的第%2版 ") chinese_format.kif 559-559
(format EnglishLanguage EditionFn "edition %2 of %1") english_format.kif 564-564
(format FrenchLanguage EditionFn "�dition %2 de %1") french_format.kif 329-329
(format ItalianLanguage EditionFn "edizione %2 di %1") relations-it.txt 88-88
(format JapaneseLanguage EditionFn "%1 の edition %2") japanese_format.kif 2093-2093
(format PortugueseLanguage EditionFn "edicao %2 de %1") portuguese_format.kif 281-281
(format de EditionFn "ausgabe %2 von %1") relations-de.txt 731-731
(format hi EditionFn "%1 kaa sanskaraNa sanhkyaa %2") relations-hindi.txt 128-128
(format ro EditionFn "edition%t{ediþia} %2 a lui %1") relations-ro.kif 350-350
(format sv EditionFn "upplaga %2 av %1") relations-sv.txt 364-364
(format tg EditionFn "salin %2 ng %1") relations-tg.txt 191-191
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EditionFn "版") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21246-21246
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EditionFn "版本函数") chinese_format.kif 560-560
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EditionFn "版") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21245-21245
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EditionFn "edition") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21244-21244
(termFormat tg EditionFn "tungkulin ng salin") relations-tg.txt 192-192


            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT1) ?EDITION1)
            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT2) ?EDITION2)
        (greaterThan ?INT2 ?INT1)
        (instance ?PUB1 Publication)
        (instance ?PUB2 Publication)
        (instance ?CBO1 ?EDITION1)
        (instance ?CBO2 ?EDITION2)
        (patient ?PUB1 ?CBO1)
        (patient ?PUB2 ?CBO2)
        (date ?PUB1 ?DATE1)
        (date ?PUB2 ?DATE2))
        (EndFn ?DATE1)
        (EndFn ?DATE2)))
Merge.kif 15537-15554
        (EditionFn ?TEXT1 ?NUMBER) ?TEXT2)
    (subsumesContentClass ?TEXT1 ?TEXT2))
Merge.kif 15556-15558

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