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Sigma KEE - Dough

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Dough EnglishLanguage "A Mixture of Flour, DrinkingWater, and possibly other ingredients (such as Butter and Salt), which is used in making BreadOrBiscuits or Pasta or noodles.") Food.kif 1601-1603
(externalImage Dough " Dough.jpg") pictureList.kif 1475-1475
(roomTempState Dough Solid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31627-31627 roomTempState 麵團 and 固體
(subclass Dough Mixture) Food.kif 1600-1600 子類 麵團 and Mixture
(subclass Dough PreparedFood) Food.kif 1599-1599 子類 麵團 and 已準備食物

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Dough "面团") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20244-20244
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Dough "麵團") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20243-20243
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Dough "dough") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20242-20242


    (instance ?D Dough)
    (attribute ?D RawAttribute))
Food.kif 1605-1607
    (instance ?D Dough)
    (exists (?F ?W)
            (instance ?F Flour)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (part ?F ?D)
            (part ?W ?D))))
Food.kif 1609-1616


    (instance ?B BreadOrBiscuit)
    (exists (?D ?BAKE)
            (instance ?D Dough)
            (instance ?BAKE Baking)
            (resource ?BAKE ?D)
            (result ?BAKE ?B))))
Food.kif 1566-1573
    (instance ?P Pasta)
    (exists (?D ?C)
            (instance ?D Dough)
            (instance ?C Cooking)
            (resource ?C ?D)
            (result ?C ?P))))
Food.kif 2748-2755

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