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Sigma KEE - TorresStraitCreoleLanguage

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(documentation TorresStraitCreoleLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TorresStraitCreoleLanguage is a PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage of Australia. SIL code: TCS. ISO 639-2: cpe. Population: 23,400 or fewer (1989 J. Holm). Others are second language users. Region: Torres Strait Islands, towns on upper Cape York and some towns on the east coast of north Queensland. Alternate names: TORRES STRAIT PIDGIN, TORRES STRAIT BROKEN, CAPE YORK CREOLE, LOCKHART CREOLE. Dialects: AP-NE-AP, MODERN LANGUS. Comments: 80% lexical similarity with English. A creolization of Tok Pisin or Bislama and Kala Lagau Langgus. Trade language.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 2112-2120
(instance TorresStraitCreoleLanguage PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 2111-2111 托雷斯海峽克里奧爾語 and 基於太平洋英語的克里奧爾語

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage TorresStraitCreoleLanguage "托雷斯海峡克里奥尔语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58490-58490
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TorresStraitCreoleLanguage "托雷斯海峽克里奧爾語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58489-58489
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TorresStraitCreoleLanguage "torres strait creole language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58488-58488

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