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Sigma KEE - StaticWaterArea

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation StaticWaterArea EnglishLanguage "A WaterArea in which water does not flow constantly or in the same direction, e.g. most lakes and ponds.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9067-9068
(subclass StaticWaterArea WaterArea) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9066-9066 子類 StaticWaterArea and WaterArea

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint StreamWaterArea StaticWaterArea) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9061-9061 不相交的 StreamWaterArea and StaticWaterArea
(disjoint WaterCurrent StaticWaterArea) Geography.kif 4941-4941 不相交的 水流 and StaticWaterArea
(subclass Lake StaticWaterArea) Geography.kif 5727-5727 子類 and StaticWaterArea
(termFormat ChineseLanguage StaticWaterArea "静水区") chinese_format.kif 954-954
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StaticWaterArea "static water area") english_format.kif 1115-1115
(termFormat FrenchLanguage StaticWaterArea "plan d'eau stagnant") french_format.kif 630-630
(termFormat Hindi StaticWaterArea "swhita jala kshetra") terms-hindi.txt 161-161
(termFormat ItalianLanguage StaticWaterArea "SuperficieD'AcquaFerma") terms-it.txt 164-164
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage StaticWaterArea "静水域") japanese_format.kif 2315-2315
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage StaticWaterArea "Area aquatica parada") portuguese_format.kif 582-582
(termFormat cz StaticWaterArea "static water area") terms-cz.txt 198-198
(termFormat ro StaticWaterArea "întindere de apã stãtutã") relations-ro.kif 651-651
(termFormat tg StaticWaterArea "liki ng ubig tahimik") terms-tg.txt 165-165


    (instance ?SYSTEM RiverSystem)
    (exists (?RIVER ?STATIC)
            (instance ?RIVER River)
            (part ?RIVER ?SYSTEM)
            (instance ?STATIC StaticWaterArea)
            (connected ?RIVER ?STATIC))))
Geography.kif 5524-5531

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