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Sigma KEE - SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling EnglishLanguage "Excluded the following subjective feelings which appear on the GRID questionnaire since they seem debatable to what extent they are really *feelings* and to what extent they are actually *evaluations* or other things: -- felt submissive/ dominant -- felt powerless/ powerful") emotion.kif 68-72
(documentation SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling EnglishLanguage "The subjective emotional feeling is an affective representation, that is, a representation that the organism has about its own affect.") emotion.kif 74-76
(subclass SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling EmotionalState) emotion.kif 73-73

appearance as argument number 2

(instance FeelingAlert SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1846-1846
(instance FeelingAtEase SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1780-1780
(instance FeelingBad SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1833-1833
(instance FeelingCalm SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1758-1758
(instance FeelingEnergetic SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1825-1825
(instance FeelingGood SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1838-1838
(instance FeelingInControl SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1784-1784
(instance FeelingNervous SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1764-1764
(instance FeelingOutOfControl SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1794-1794
(instance FeelingRestless SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1774-1774
(instance FeelingStrong SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1805-1805
(instance FeelingTired SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1851-1851
(instance FeelingWeak SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1813-1813
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling "subjective emotional feeling") emotion.kif 66-67

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