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Sigma KEE - StreamWaterConfluence

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation StreamWaterConfluence EnglishLanguage "A StreamWaterConfluence is the place where a stream or other tributary joins a river.") Geography.kif 5486-5487
(subclass StreamWaterConfluence WaterArea) Geography.kif 5484-5484

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage StreamWaterConfluence "流水汇流") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55580-55580
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage StreamWaterConfluence "流水匯流") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55579-55579
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StreamWaterConfluence "stream water confluence") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55578-55578


    (instance ?FORK StreamWaterConfluence)
    (exists (?STREAM ?BRANCH)
            (instance ?STREAM River)
            (instance ?BRANCH StreamWaterArea)
            (flows ?BRANCH ?STREAM)
            (connects ?FORK ?STREAM ?BRANCH))))
Geography.kif 5498-5505
    (instance ?FORK StreamWaterConfluence)
    (exists (?STREAM1 ?STREAM2)
            (instance ?STREAM1 StreamWaterArea)
            (connects ?FORK ?STREAM1 ?STREAM2)
            (instance ?STREAM2 StreamWaterArea)
            (flows ?STREAM1 ?STREAM2))))
Geography.kif 5489-5496

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