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Sigma KEE - radiusOfMaximumWind

appearance as argument number 1

(domain radiusOfMaximumWind 1 CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 596-596
(domain radiusOfMaximumWind 2 FlowRegion) Weather.kif 597-597
(instance radiusOfMaximumWind BinaryPredicate) Weather.kif 588-588

appearance as argument number 2

(documentation EnglishLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "radiusOfMaximumWind is BinaryPredicate which states a FlowRegion to be within the the radius of maximum wind of a CyclonicStorm. In (radiusOfMaximumWind ?CS ?REGION) ?REGION is located withing the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of a CyclonicStorm ?CS.") Weather.kif 589-592
(format ChineseLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "%2 在%1 的最大风速半径内") Weather.kif 599-599
(format EnglishLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "%2 is within the radiusOfMaximumWind of %1") Weather.kif 598-598
(termFormat ChineseLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "最大风速半径") Weather.kif 595-595
(termFormat EnglishLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "radius of maximum wind") Weather.kif 594-594

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