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Sigma KEE - electionForPosition

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation electionForPosition EnglishLanguage "(electionForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION) means that in the Election ?ELECTION, candidates run for election to the role(s) ?POSITION.") Government.kif 1749-1751
(domain electionForPosition 1 Election) Government.kif 1746-1746
(domain electionForPosition 2 SocialRole) Government.kif 1747-1747
(instance electionForPosition BinaryPredicate) Government.kif 1745-1745

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage electionForPosition "%2 %n 是 职位 %1 的 election ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 852-852
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage electionForPosition "%2 %n 是 職位 %1 的 election ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 851-851
(format EnglishLanguage electionForPosition "%2 is %n an election for position of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 850-850
(termFormat ChineseLanguage electionForPosition "选举职位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21432-21432
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage electionForPosition "選舉職位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21431-21431
(termFormat EnglishLanguage electionForPosition "election for position") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21430-21430


        (chiefOfStateType ?AREA ?POSITION)
        (agent ?ELECTION ?AREA)
        (instance ?ELECTION Election)
        (electionForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION)
        (instance ?ELECTION PopularElection))
    (governmentType ?AREA Democracy))
Government.kif 1588-1595
        (instance ?GROUP Organization)
        (electionForPosition ?ELECTION
            (MemberFn ?GROUP)))
    (electionForOrganization ?ELECTION ?GROUP))
Government.kif 1831-1835
    (electionForPosition ?ELECTION ?ROLE)
    (exists (?CANDIDATE)
            (instance ?CANDIDATE Human)
            (candidateForPosition ?ELECTION ?ROLE ?CANDIDATE))))
Government.kif 1753-1758


    (candidateForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION ?CONTENDER)
    (electionForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION))
Government.kif 1846-1848
    (electionForOrganization ?ELECTION ?GROUP)
    (electionForPosition ?ELECTION
        (MemberFn ?GROUP)))
Government.kif 1827-1829

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