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Sigma KEE - RusynLanguage

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(documentation RusynLanguage EnglishLanguage "The RusynLanguage is an EastSlavicLanguage of the Ukraine. SIL code: RUE. ISO 639-2: sla. Population: Population total both countries 50,000 or more. Region: Transcarpathian Oblast of Ukraine. Also possibly in Romania. Alternate names: RUTHENIAN, CARPATHIAN, CARPATHO-RUSYN. Comments: Rusyn is called a dialect of Ukrainian, but speakers are reported to consider themselves distinct from Ukrainians. Standard Ukrainian used for literature, signs. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency in Ukrainian. Radio programs, TV. Christian. Also spoken in: Slovakia. (Language name: RUSYN.) Population: 50,000 in Slovakia (1991 census). Alternate names: RUTHENIAN, CARPATHIAN, CARPATHO-RUSYN. Dialects: LEMKO. Comments: Rusyn is sometimes called a dialect of Ukrainian, but speakers are reported to consider themselves distinct from Ukrainians. Nearly two-thirds have assimilated culturally and linguistically with the Slovaks. Some ethnic Rusyns in Yugoslavia are reported to speak Eastern Slovak, Sarish dialect, not Rusyn. In 1995 it was declared a normative, codified language in Slovakia, can formally be taught in schools, used for publications, school textbooks. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Ukrainian, bilingual proficiency in Slovak. Dictionary. Radio programs, TV. Christian. See main entry under Ukraine.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10703-10720
(externalImage RusynLanguage " ac/ Rusyns.jpg") pictureList.kif 10238-10238
(instance RusynLanguage EastSlavicLanguage) Languages.kif 10702-10702

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage RusynLanguage "鲁辛语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50675-50675
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RusynLanguage "魯辛語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50674-50674
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RusynLanguage "rusyn language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50673-50673

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