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Sigma KEE - Ratchet

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Ratchet EnglishLanguage "A Wrench that allows an engaged Bolt to exhibit Rotating freely in one direction but not another, with respect to the handle of the wrench. Some wrenches have a switch that allows selection of one of two directions of free rotation.") Cars.kif 4930-4933
(subclass Ratchet Wrench) Cars.kif 4929-4929

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass SnapOnRatchet Ratchet) Cars.kif 4970-4970
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ratchet "ratchet") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65386-65386


        (instance ?R Ratchet)
        (instance ?A AttachingDevice)
        (instance ?RO1 Rotating)
        (attribute ?RO1 ?DIR1)
        (instance ?RO2 Rotating)
        (attribute ?RO2 ?DIR2)
        (instance ?DIR1 RotationalAttribute)
        (instance ?DIR2 RotationalAttribute)
            (equal ?RO1 ?RO2))
        (causes ?RO1 ?RO2)
        (patient ?RO1 Ratchet)
        (patient ?RO2 ?A))
    (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
Cars.kif 4935-4950

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