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Sigma KEE - FormOfGovernment

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FormOfGovernment EnglishLanguage "FormOfGovernment is a class of Attributes used to describe the characteristics of a government, especially a NationalGovernment. The concept FormOfGovernment is interpreted broadly enough to include Anarchy and Factionalism.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 19582-19585
(subclass FormOfGovernment PoliticoEconomicAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19581-19581

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Anarchy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 180-180
(instance AuthoritarianRegime FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 181-181
(instance AuthoritarianSocialist FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 185-185
(instance BicameralLegislature FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 1916-1916
(instance Chiefdom FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 156-156
(instance Commonwealth FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 174-174
(instance CommunistState FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 184-184
(instance CompactOfFreeAssociationWithNewZealand FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 191-191
(instance CompactOfFreeAssociationWithUnitedStates FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 190-190
(instance ConstitutionalDemocraticRepublic FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 171-171
(instance ConstitutionalGovernment FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 168-168
(instance ConstitutionalMonarchy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 157-157
(instance ConstitutionalParliamentaryDemocracy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 170-170
(instance ConstitutionalRepublic FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 169-169
(instance Coprincipality FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 158-158
(instance Democracy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 175-175
(instance Dictatorship FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 183-183
(instance EcclesiasticalGovernment FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 188-188
(instance EmergingDemocracy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 178-178
(instance Factionalism FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 179-179
(instance FederalDemocraticRepublic FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 161-161
(instance FederalGovernment FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 172-172
(instance FederalParliamentaryDemocracy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 166-166
(instance FederalRepublic FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 160-160
(instance Federation FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 173-173

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain governmentType 2 FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 129-129
(domain ideologicalAffiliationOfOrganization 2 FormOfGovernment) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24204-24204


            (GovernmentFn ?AREA) ?TYPE)
        (instance ?TYPE FormOfGovernment))
    (governmentType ?AREA ?TYPE))
Government.kif 148-152

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