appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CommonWheatGrass EnglishLanguage "CommonWheatGrass, (Triticum.aestivum), also known as bread wheat, is a cultivated wheat species. Itis an allohexaploid – a combination of six sets of chromosomes from different species. Of the six sets of chromosomes, four come from emmer (Triticum turgidum, itself a tetraploid) and two from Aegilops tauschii (a wild diploid goatgrass). [wikiepedia]") | Economy.kif 3956-3960 | |
(subclass CommonWheatGrass WheatGrass) | Economy.kif 3955-3955 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CommonWheatGrass "common wheat grass") | Economy.kif 3961-3961 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?C CommonWheatGrass) (part ?CELL ?C) (instance ?CELL ?CLASS)) (subclass ?CLASS HexaploidCell)) |
Economy.kif 3963-3968 | |
(=> (and (instance ?COLL Collection) (memberType ?COLL Chromosome) (member ?M ?COLL) (part ?M CommonWheatGrass)) (exists (?A ?B ?X ?Y) (and (subCollection ?A ?COLL) (instance ?A HomologousChromosomeSet) (memberType ?A ?X) (initialPart ?X EmmerWheatGrass) (subCollection ?B ?COLL) (instance ?B HomologousChromosomeSet) (memberType ?B ?Y) (initialPart ?Y AegilopsTauschii)))) |
Economy.kif 3970-3985 |
consequent |
(=> (equal ?X (PlantFn CommonWheatGrain)) (subclass ?X CommonWheatGrass)) |
Economy.kif 4066-4069 |