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Sigma KEE - CoffeeMaking

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CoffeeMaking EnglishLanguage "CoffeeMaking is a Class of Coffee brewing methods,usually CoffeeGrind is steeped in hot water, then filtered out, producing the coffee to be served.[Wikipedia].") Food.kif 652-654
(subclass CoffeeMaking Cooking) Food.kif 649-649
(subclass CoffeeMaking LiquidMotion) Food.kif 651-651
(subclass CoffeeMaking Soaking) Food.kif 650-650

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AeropressingCoffee CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 901-901
(subclass ColdBrewingCoffee CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 836-836
(subclass DrippingCoffee CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 885-885
(subclass EspressoMaking CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 783-783
(subclass FrenchPressingCoffee CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 853-853
(subclass MokaPotCoffeeMaking CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 931-931
(subclass SiphoningCoffee CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 923-923
(subclass TurkishCoffeeMaking CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 955-955
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoffeeMaking "coffee making") Food.kif 655-655

appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee 1 CoffeeMaking) Food.kif 723-723


    (instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Coffee)
            (result ?CM ?C))))
Food.kif 657-662
    (instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
    (exists (?LM ?W ?CG)
            (subProcess ?LM ?CM)
            (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
            (patient ?LM ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (destination ?LM ?CG)
            (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind))))
Food.kif 664-673
    (instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
    (exists (?R ?LM ?CG ?W ?F ?C)
            (subProcess ?R ?CM)
            (instance ?R Removing)
            (origin ?R ?LM)
            (instance ?LM LiquidMixture)
            (part ?W ?LM)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (part ?CG ?LM)
            (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
            (instrument ?R ?F)
            (instance ?F Filter)
            (result ?R ?C)
            (instance ?C Coffee))))
Food.kif 686-701
    (instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
    (exists (?S ?W ?CG)
            (subProcess ?S ?CM)
            (instance ?S Soaking)
            (resource ?S ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (patient ?S ?CG)
            (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind))))
Food.kif 675-684
    (instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
    (holdsDuring ?CM
        (exists (?LM ?S ?R)
                (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
                (instance ?S Soaking)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                        (WhenFn ?LM))
                        (WhenFn ?S)))
                        (WhenFn ?S))
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))))
Food.kif 703-716


    (instance ?C ElectricCoffeeMaker)
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?COFFEE ?M)
                (instance ?M CoffeeMaking)
                (instrument ?M ?C)
                (result ?M ?COFFEE)
                (instance ?COFFEE Coffee)))))
Food.kif 379-387

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