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Sigma KEE - SafetyDevice

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SafetyDevice EnglishLanguage "Any Device that is designed to prevent (or lessen the likelihood of) the Injuring of a Human.") Cars.kif 3337-3338
(subclass SafetyDevice Device) Cars.kif 3335-3335 SafetyDevice设备subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ClimbingCarabiner SafetyDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30862-30862 ClimbingCarabinerSafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass HearingProtection SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3429-3429 听力保护SafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass Helmet SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 4344-4344 HelmetSafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass MotorcycleGlove SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 4727-4727 MotorcycleGloveSafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass ProtectiveEyewear SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3463-3463 防护眼镜SafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass Respirator SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3511-3511 呼吸器SafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass SafetyHarness SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3404-3404 安全套SafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass SafetyVest SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3540-3540 SafetyVestSafetyDevicesubclass
(subclass VehicleSafetyDevice SafetyDevice) Cars.kif 3360-3360 VehicleSafetyDeviceSafetyDevicesubclass
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SafetyDevice "safety device") Cars.kif 3336-3336


    (instance ?X SafetyDevice)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?P ?H ?I ?T)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (instance ?P Process)
                (patient ?P ?H)
                (instrument ?P ?X)
                (prevents ?P
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                                (holdsDuring ?T
                                    (experiencer ?I ?H))
                                    (holdsDuring ?T
                                        (patient ?P ?H)))))))))))
Cars.kif 3340-3358

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