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Sigma KEE - Valvoline

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Valvoline EnglishLanguage "Valvoline Inc. is an American manufacturer and distributor of Valvoline-brand automotive oil, additives, and lubricants. It also owns the Valvoline Instant Oil Change and Valvoline Express Care chains of car repair centers. As of 2016, it is the second largest oil change service provider in the United States with 10% market share and 1,050 locations.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 3841-3847
(instance Valvoline Corporation) Medicine.kif 3839-3839
(manufacturer Valvoline MotorOil) Medicine.kif 3848-3848

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Valvoline "Valvoline") Medicine.kif 3849-3849

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