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TwoStrokeCompression (two stroke compression) treatedPageDefinition (treated page definition)
TwoStrokeEngine (two stroke engine) treatedUser (treated user)
TwoStrokeEngineCycle (two stroke engine cycle) treatmentGroup (treatment group)
TwoStrokeIntake (two stroke intake) tributary (tributary)
TwoStrokeTransfer (two stroke transfer) trichotomizingOn (trichotomizing on)
TwoTierLaborMarketEconomy (two tier labor market economy) true (true)
TwoWheelDrive (two wheel drive) trustedDevice (trusted device)
TwoWheelDriveVehicle (four wheel drive) trusts (trusts)
Twopole (twopole) truth (truth)
Twoport (twoport) typicalAction (typical action)
Tying (tying) typicalBloodVolume (typicalBloodVolume)
TympanicCavity (tympanic cavity) typicalPart (typical part)
TyphoidFever (typhoid fever) typicalTemporalPart (typical temporal part)
Typhoon (typhoon) typicallyContainsPart (typically contains part)
Typing (typing) typicallyContainsTemporalPart (typically contains temporal part)
U* u*
UIElement (UI element) udaCanSignify (uda can signify)
UNEconomicDevelopmentLevel (UN economic development level) uncle (uncle)
UPCcode (UP ccode) underageUser (underage user)
USAirforceRankingSystem (US airforce ranking system) underlier (underlier)
USArmyRankingSystem (US army ranking system) unemploymentRateOfArea (unemployment rate of area)
USBCable (USB cable) unemploymentRateOfAreaInPeriod (unemployment rate of area in period)
USBPort (USB port) uniqueIdWithRespectTo (unique ID with respect to)
USBProtocol (USB protocol) uniqueIdentifier (unique identifier)
USCivilWarSoldier (US civil war soldier) unitMeasuringPerformance (unit measuring performance)
USCoastGuardRankingSystem (US coast guard ranking system) unitNumber (unit number)
USCustomsAndBorderProtection (US customs and border protection) unitPrice (unit price)
USFEMA (fema) unpaidItem (unpaid item)
USFoodAndDrugAdministration (US food and drug administration) unratifiedSignatoryToAgreement (unratified signatory to agreement)
USHoliday (US holiday) urlString (url)
USMarineCorpsRankingSystem (US marine corps ranking system) userDatabase (user database)
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