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Sigma KEE - Surprise
Surprise(surprise)admiration, amazed, amazement, astonied, astonished, astonishment, astounded, daze, shock, startled, stunned, stupor, surprise, surprised, wonder, wonderment

appearance as argument number 1

(actionTendency Surprise JawDropping) emotion.kif 179-179 action tendency surprise and jaw dropping
(actionTendency Surprise OpeningEyesWidely) emotion.kif 180-180 action tendency surprise and opening eyes widely
(actionTendency Surprise RaisingEyebrows) emotion.kif 181-181 action tendency surprise and raising eyebrows
(actionTendency Surprise SurprisedFacialExpression) emotion.kif 174-174 action tendency surprise and surprised facial expression
(documentation Surprise EnglishLanguage "Surprise is a neutral emotion caused by encountering unexpected events of all kinds. May be experienced as negative if the surprising event is evaluated as negative, or positive if the surprising event is evaluated as positive. [Source: OCEAS]") emotion.kif 906-910
(documentation Surprise EnglishLanguage "The EmotionalState that one experiences when something unexpected and of significance occurs.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 19344-19345
(instance Surprise EmotionalState) emotion.kif 912-912 Surprise is an instance of emotional state

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept SurprisedFacialExpression Surprise) emotion.kif 1274-1274 Surprised facial expression is internally related to surprise
(relatedInternalConcept SurprisedVoiceUtterance Surprise) emotion.kif 1925-1925 Surprised voice utterance is internally related to surprise
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Surprise "惊喜") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56377-56377
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Surprise "驚喜") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56376-56376
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Surprise "surprise") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56375-56375
(termFormat GermanLanguage Surprise "Überraschung") emotion.kif 911-911
(termFormat SpanishLanguage Surprise "sorpresa") emotion.kif 904-904
(utterance EnglishLanguage Surprise "surprised") emotion.kif 913-913 utterance english language, surprise and "surprised"


    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?A Surprise))
        (exists (?FE)
                (instance ?FE SurprisedFacialExpression)
                (experiencer ?FE ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?FE) ?T))) Likely))
emotion.kif 1281-1290
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (attribute ?AGENT Surprise))
    (exists (?PART ?PROP)
            (temporalPart ?PART
                (PastFn ?TIME))
            (holdsDuring ?PART
                (expects ?AGENT ?PROP))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (truth ?PROP False)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19347-19353


        (instance ?SVU SurprisedVoiceUtterance)
        (agent ?SVU ?A))
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S Surprise)
            (experiencer ?S ?A)
            (causes ?S ?SVU))))
emotion.kif 1928-1936

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