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Sigma KEE - PseudoGraph
PseudoGraph(pseudo graph)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PseudoGraph ChineseLanguage "这是伪图的 Class, 一个伪图是拥有起码一个 GraphLoopGraph。") chinese_format.kif 2338-2339
(documentation PseudoGraph EnglishLanguage "The Class of pseudographs. A pseudograph is a Graph containing at least one GraphLoop.") Merge.kif 5804-5805
(documentation PseudoGraph JapaneseLanguage "擬似グラフの Class。擬似グラフは、少なくとも 1つの GraphLoop を含む Graph である。") japanese_format.kif 1012-1013
(externalImage PseudoGraph " a/ a7/ Multigraph.svg") pictureList.kif 1941-1941
(subclass PseudoGraph Graph) Merge.kif 5802-5802 Pseudo graph is a subclass of graph

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage PseudoGraph "伪图") chinese_format.kif 939-939
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PseudoGraph "pseudo graph") english_format.kif 1085-1085
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PseudoGraph "pseudo graph") french_format.kif 615-615
(termFormat Hindi PseudoGraph "aabhaasii aalekha") terms-hindi.txt 146-146
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PseudoGraph "PseudoGrafo") terms-it.txt 149-149
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PseudoGraph "疑似グラフ") japanese_format.kif 2300-2300
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PseudoGraph "Pseudo-grafo") portuguese_format.kif 567-567
(termFormat cz PseudoGraph "pseudo graph") terms-cz.txt 183-183
(termFormat ro PseudoGraph "pseudograf") relations-ro.kif 636-636
(termFormat tg PseudoGraph "huwad na talaguhitan") terms-tg.txt 150-150


    (instance ?GRAPH PseudoGraph)
    (exists (?LOOP)
            (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
            (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH))))
Merge.kif 5807-5812


        (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
        (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH))
    (instance ?GRAPH PseudoGraph))
Merge.kif 5814-5818

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