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Sigma KEE - ProfessionalAthlete
ProfessionalAthlete(professional athlete)hurdler

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ProfessionalAthlete EnglishLanguage "ProfessionalAthlete is a person who is trained to compete in sports and makes his living from doing so.") Sports.kif 1354-1355
(subclass ProfessionalAthlete SkilledOccupation) Sports.kif 1353-1353 Professional athlete is a subclass of skilled occupation

appearance as argument number 2

(instance BaseballPlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 350-350 Baseball player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance BasketballPlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 352-352 Basketball player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Boxer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 354-354 Boxer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance CarRacingDriver ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 356-356 Car racing driver is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Cricketer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 358-358 Cricketer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Cyclist ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 360-360 Cyclist is an instance of professional athlete
(instance FigureSkater ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 361-361 Figure skater is an instance of professional athlete
(instance FootballerSoccer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 364-364 Footballer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance FootballerUS ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 362-362 Footballer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance FormulaOneDriver ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 380-380 Formula one driver is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Golfer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 366-366 Golfer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Gymnast ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 368-368 Gymnast is an instance of professional athlete
(instance HockeyPlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 373-373 Hockey player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance IceHockeyPlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 375-375 Ice hockey player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance LacrossePlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 371-371 Lacrosse player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance MarksmanProfessional ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 377-377 Marksman professional is an instance of professional athlete
(instance MotorcycleRider ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 387-387 Motorcycle rider is an instance of professional athlete
(instance RacingCarDriver ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 383-383 Racing car driver is an instance of professional athlete
(instance RockClimber ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 385-385 Rock climber is an instance of professional athlete
(instance RugbyPlayer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 369-369 Rugby player is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Swimmer ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 378-378 Swimmer is an instance of professional athlete
(instance TennisProfessional ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 1373-1373 Tennis pro is an instance of professional athlete
(instance Wrestler ProfessionalAthlete) Sports.kif 389-389 Wrestler is an instance of professional athlete
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ProfessionalAthlete "professional athlete") Sports.kif 1356-1356


        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (exists (?GAME)
            (instance ?GAME Sport)
            (contestParticipant ?GAME ?ATHLETE))))
Sports.kif 1364-1371
        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (hasSkill Sport ?ATHLETE))
Sports.kif 1358-1362

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