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Sigma KEE - Love

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Love EnglishLanguage "A strong emotion associated with feelings of desire, warmth and intimacy for another person. [Source: OCEAS]") emotion.kif 739-741
(instance Love EmotionalState) emotion.kif 746-746 Love and EmotionalState

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute CompanionateLove Love) emotion.kif 1086-1086 子屬性 CompanionateLove and Love
(subAttribute PassionateLove Love) emotion.kif 981-981 子屬性 PassionateLove and Love
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Love "love") emotion.kif 743-743
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Love "amour") emotion.kif 745-745
(termFormat GermanLanguage Love "liebe") emotion.kif 742-742
(termFormat SpanishLanguage Love "amor") emotion.kif 738-738
(utterance EnglishLanguage Love "loving") emotion.kif 744-744 utterance 英語, Love and "loving"

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