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Sigma KEE - IVBolusTherapy

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation IVBolusTherapy EnglishLanguage "Administering IV fluids through an open line, rather than a drip, which entails that the contents empty in a few minutes. This is used in emergency settings to administer Fluid or Medicine quickly.") Medicine.kif 6157-6159
(subclass IVBolusTherapy IVTherapy) Medicine.kif 6156-6156

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage IVBolusTherapy "IV bolus therapy") Medicine.kif 6160-6160


    (instance ?IV IVBolusTherapy)
            (WhenFn ?IV)
            (MeasureFn ?N MinuteDuration))
        (lessThan ?N 5.0)))
Medicine.kif 6162-6168

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