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Sigma KEE - GroupOf7

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished GroupOf7
    (DayFn 22
        (MonthFn September
            (YearFn 1985))))
Government.kif 3301-3301 dateEstablished GroupOf7 and 22 day
(documentation GroupOf7 EnglishLanguage "The memberships of the BigSeven and the GroupOf7 include the same Nations.") Government.kif 3298-3299
(instance GroupOf7 OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 3294-3294 GroupOf7OrganizationOfNationsinstance では %n
(organizationalObjective GroupOf7 EconomicCooperation) Government.kif 3302-3302 organizationalObjective GroupOf7 and EconomicCooperation

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "G-7" GroupOf7) Government.kif 3296-3296 abbreviation "G-7" and GroupOf7
(conventionalLongName "Group of 7" GroupOf7) Government.kif 3295-3295 conventionalLongName "Group of 7" and GroupOf7
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GroupOf7 "7人小组") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26784-26784
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GroupOf7 "7人小組") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26783-26783
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GroupOf7 "group of7") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26782-26782


    (member ?STATE GroupOf7)
    (attribute ?STATE MajorIndustrialEconomy))
Economy.kif 751-753

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