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Sigma KEE - Formula

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Formula ChineseLanguage "一个句法结构良好、以SUO-KIF知识表示语言的公式。") chinese_format.kif 1682-1682
(documentation Formula EnglishLanguage "A syntactically well-formed formula in the SUO-KIF knowledge representation language.") Merge.kif 1549-1550
(documentation Formula JapaneseLanguage "SUO-KIF知識表現言語の構文的な完全論理式。") japanese_format.kif 274-274
(documentation Formula SpanishLanguage "Una fórmula bien formada sintácticamente en el SUO-KIF, un lenguaje de representación de conocimiento.") spanish_format.kif 323-324
(subclass Formula Sentence) Merge.kif 1547-1547 Formula is a subclass of sentence

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Formula "公式") chinese_format.kif 847-847
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Formula "formula") english_format.kif 896-896
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Formula "formule") french_format.kif 523-523
(termFormat Hindi Formula "sUtra") terms-hindi.txt 54-54
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Formula "Formula") terms-it.txt 57-57
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Formula "公式") japanese_format.kif 2208-2208
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Formula "Formula") portuguese_format.kif 475-475
(termFormat cz Formula "formula") terms-cz.txt 90-90
(termFormat ro Formula "formulã") relations-ro.kif 544-544
(termFormat tg Formula "pormula") terms-tg.txt 58-58

appearance as argument number 3

(domain KappaFn 2 Formula) Merge.kif 5583-5583 The number 2 argument of kappa is an instance of formula
(domain ProbabilityFn 1 Formula) Merge.kif 2573-2573 The number 1 argument of probability is an instance of formula
(domain attitudeForFormula 3 Formula) emotion.kif 2127-2127 The number 3 argument of attitude for formula is an instance of formula
(domain believes 2 Formula) Merge.kif 2811-2811 The number 2 argument of believes is an instance of formula
(domain causesProposition 1 Formula) Merge.kif 3822-3822 The number 1 argument of causes proposition is an instance of formula
(domain causesProposition 2 Formula) Merge.kif 3823-3823 The number 2 argument of causes proposition is an instance of formula
(domain conditionalProbability 1 Formula) Merge.kif 2583-2583 The number 1 argument of conditional probability is an instance of formula
(domain conditionalProbability 2 Formula) Merge.kif 2584-2584 The number 2 argument of conditional probability is an instance of formula
(domain confersNorm 2 Formula) Merge.kif 3993-3993 The number 2 argument of confers norm is an instance of formula
(domain confersObligation 1 Formula) Merge.kif 17476-17476 The number 1 argument of confers obligation is an instance of formula
(domain confersRight 1 Formula) Merge.kif 17455-17455 The number 1 argument of confers right is an instance of formula
(domain considers 2 Formula) Merge.kif 2801-2801 The number 2 argument of considers is an instance of formula
(domain containsFormula 2 Formula) Merge.kif 1368-1368 The number 2 argument of contains formula is an instance of formula
(domain decreasesLikelihood 1 Formula) Merge.kif 2616-2616 The number 1 argument of decreases likelihood is an instance of formula
(domain decreasesLikelihood 2 Formula) Merge.kif 2617-2617 The number 2 argument of decreases likelihood is an instance of formula
(domain deprivesNorm 2 Formula) Merge.kif 4015-4015 The number 2 argument of deprives norm is an instance of formula
(domain describes 1 Formula) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16146-16146 The number 1 argument of describes is an instance of formula
(domain desires 2 Formula) Merge.kif 2789-2789 The number 2 argument of desires is an instance of formula
(domain disapproves 2 Formula) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7440-7440 The number 2 argument of disapproves is an instance of formula
(domain doubts 2 Formula) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7410-7410 The number 2 argument of doubts is an instance of formula
(domain entails 1 Formula) Merge.kif 770-770 The number 1 argument of entails is an instance of formula
(domain entails 2 Formula) Merge.kif 771-771 The number 2 argument of entails is an instance of formula
(domain expects 2 Formula) Merge.kif 10612-10612 The number 2 argument of expects is an instance of formula
(domain hasPurpose 2 Formula) Merge.kif 3946-3946 The number 2 argument of has purpose is an instance of formula
(domain hasPurposeForAgent 2 Formula) Merge.kif 3962-3962 The number 2 argument of has purpose for agent is an instance of formula

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (agreementEffectiveDuring ?AGR ?DATE)
        (instance ?TIME ?DATE)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?AGR))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME ?FORMULA))
Government.kif 766-772
        (confidenceInterval ?EXPERIMENT ?CONFIDENCE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA)
        (equal ?CONFIDENCE 100))
    (truth ?FORMULA False))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 549-556
        (confidenceInterval ?EXPERIMENT ?CONFIDENCE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA)
        (equal ?CONFIDENCE 100))
    (truth ?FORMULA True))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 540-547
        (confidenceInterval ?EXPERIMENT ?CONFIDENCE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA))
    (represents ?CONFIDENCE
        (ProbabilityFn ?FORMULA)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 531-537
        (instance ?COMMIT Committing)
        (patient ?COMMIT ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Promise))
Merge.kif 13248-13253
        (instance ?FORMULA1 Formula)
        (instance ?FORMULA2 Formula))
        (increasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2)
        (decreasesLikelihood ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2)
        (independentProbability ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2)))
Merge.kif 2647-2654
        (instance ?QUESTION Questioning)
        (agent ?QUESTION ?AGENT)
        (patient ?QUESTION ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
        (WhenFn ?QUESTION)
            (knows ?AGENT ?FORMULA))))
Merge.kif 13235-13241
        (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
        (agent ?REQUEST ?AGENT)
        (patient ?REQUEST ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
    (desires ?AGENT ?FORMULA))
Merge.kif 13222-13228
        (instance ?STATE Stating)
        (agent ?STATE ?AGENT)
        (patient ?STATE ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
        (WhenFn ?STATE)
        (believes ?AGENT ?FORMULA)))
Merge.kif 13164-13170
        (instance ?TEXT ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS FactualText)
        (authors ?AGENT ?CLASS)
        (subsumesContentInstance ?TEXT ?CONTENT)
        (instance ?CONTENT Formula))
    (believes ?AGENT ?CONTENT))
Merge.kif 15422-15429
        (pValue ?EXPERIMENT ?VALUE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA)
        (equal ?VALUE 0))
    (truth ?FORMULA True))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 577-584
        (pValue ?EXPERIMENT ?VALUE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA)
        (equal ?VALUE 1))
    (truth ?FORMULA False))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 586-593
        (pValue ?EXPERIMENT ?VALUE)
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA))
    (represents ?VALUE
        (ProbabilityFn ?FORMULA)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 569-575


        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (result ?EXPERIMENT ?RESULT))
    (instance ?RESULT Formula))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3794-3798
        (instance ?INVESTIGATE Investigating)
        (patient ?INVESTIGATE ?PROP))
    (instance ?PROP Formula))
Merge.kif 12950-12954
        (instance ?PROFILE VisitorProfile)
        (member ?FORMULA ?PROFILE))
    (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1134-1138
        (instance ?REL PropositionalAttitude)
        (?REL ?AGENT ?FORMULA))
    (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
Merge.kif 2702-2706
        (instance ?TEXT ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS FictionalText)
        (authors ?AGENT ?CLASS))
    (exists (?CONTENT)
            (subsumesContentInstance ?TEXT ?CONTENT)
            (instance ?CONTENT Formula)
                (believes ?AGENT ?CONTENT)))))
Merge.kif 15453-15462
    (instance ?CONST Constitution)
    (exists (?FORMULA ?PART)
            (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
            (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?PART)
            (instance ?PART Proposition)
            (subProposition ?PART ?CONST)
            (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Obligation))))
Government.kif 653-661
    (instance ?CONST Constitution)
    (exists (?FORMULA ?PART)
            (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
            (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?PART)
            (instance ?PART Proposition)
            (subProposition ?PART ?CONST)
            (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Permission))))
Government.kif 663-671
    (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
    (exists (?FORMULA ?RESULT)
            (instance ?RESULT Formula)
            (result ?EXPERIMENT ?RESULT)
            (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
            (patient ?EXPERIMENT ?FORMULA)
                (ProbabilityFn ?FORMULA) ?RESULT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3800-3810
    (instance ?P Phishing)
    (exists (?FS ?V ?M ?I)
            (instance ?M Communication)
            (origin ?M ?FS)
            (agent ?P ?FS)
            (destination ?M ?V)
            (instance ?I Formula)
            (knows ?V ?I)
                (desires ?V
                    (knows ?FS ?I)))
            (desires ?FS
                (knows ?FS ?I)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4235-4249
    (instance ?PROFILE VisitorProfile)
    (exists (?USER ?SITE)
            (instance ?USER AutonomousAgent)
            (instance ?SITE WebSite)
            (forall (?FORMULA)
                        (member ?FORMULA ?PROFILE)
                        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
                    (visitorParameter ?USER ?FORMULA ?SITE))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1140-1151

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