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Sigma KEE - Entity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Entity EnglishLanguage "The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.") Merge.kif 817-818
(documentation Entity JapaneseLanguage "個々の普遍集合。 これがオントロジーのノードのルートで ある。") japanese_format.kif 118-119
(documentation Entity SpanishLanguage "La clase universal de individuos. Es el nodo principal de la ontología.") spanish_format.kif 137-138
(partition Entity Physical Abstract) Merge.kif 816-816

appearance as argument number 2

(range AssignmentFn Entity) Merge.kif 788-788
(range FirstFn Entity) Merge.kif 3228-3228
(range LastFn Entity) Merge.kif 3208-3208
(range ListOrderFn Entity) Merge.kif 2980-2980
(range ShortageFn Entity) Geography.kif 2888-2888
(subclass Abstract Entity) Merge.kif 1669-1669
(subclass Physical Entity) Merge.kif 832-832
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Entity "实体") chinese_format.kif 813-813
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Entity "entity") english_format.kif 828-828
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Entity "entit�") french_format.kif 489-489
(termFormat Hindi Entity "astitva") terms-hindi.txt 23-23
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Entity "Entit�") terms-it.txt 25-25
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Entity "エンティティー") japanese_format.kif 2174-2174
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Entity "Entidade") portuguese_format.kif 441-441
(termFormat cb Entity "bisag unsa") terms-cb.txt 26-26
(termFormat cz Entity "entita") terms-cz.txt 56-56
(termFormat ro Entity "entitate") relations-ro.kif 510-510
(termFormat tg Entity "kahit ano") terms-tg.txt 26-26

appearance as argument number 3

(domain AssignmentFn 2 Entity) Merge.kif 787-787
(domain ListFn 1 Entity) Merge.kif 2934-2934
(domain abbreviation 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27265-27265
(domain accessibleFromMenu 1 Entity) ComputerInput.kif 852-852
(domain accessibleFromMenuItem 1 Entity) ComputerInput.kif 1138-1138
(domain acronym 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27276-27276
(domain buys 3 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29985-29985
(domain codeMapping 3 Entity) Media.kif 2266-2266
(domain comment 1 Entity) Merge.kif 18445-18445
(domain confersNorm 1 Entity) Merge.kif 3993-3993
(domain confersObligation 2 Entity) Merge.kif 17526-17526
(domain confersRight 2 Entity) Merge.kif 17505-17505
(domain contestEntry 1 Entity) Music.kif 1080-1080
(domain conventionalLongName 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27248-27248
(domain conventionalShortName 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27260-27260
(domain creator 2 Entity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13741-13741
(domain crossFunctionalTeamFocus 1 Entity) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2655-2655
(domain deprivesNorm 1 Entity) Merge.kif 4015-4015
(domain destination 2 Entity) Merge.kif 2445-2445
(domain documentation 1 Entity) Merge.kif 369-369
(domain element 1 Entity) Merge.kif 5415-5415
(domain externalImage 1 Entity) Merge.kif 677-677
(domain format 2 Entity) Merge.kif 381-381
(domain fullName 2 Entity) Media.kif 3271-3271
(domain fullNameIndexOrder 2 Entity) Media.kif 3285-3285

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


    (businessUnit ?BU ?ORG)
    (exists (?INTEREST)
            (instance ?INTEREST Entity)
            (inScopeOfInterest ?BU ?INTEREST))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2572-2577
    (instance ?CLASS Class)
    (subclass ?CLASS Entity))
Merge.kif 828-830
    (instance ?TEAM CrossFunctionalTeam)
    (exists (?INTEREST)
            (instance ?INTEREST Entity)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                        (instance ?MEMBER Human)
                        (member ?MEMBER ?TEAM))
                    (inScopeOfInterest ?MEMBER ?INTEREST))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2618-2628