Sigma KEE - AyoreoLanguage
ayoreo language
The AyoreoLanguage is a ZamucoanLanguage of Paraguay. SIL code: AYO. ISO 639-2: sai. Population: 3,000 in Paraguay (1991). Population total both countries 4,000 to 4,500. Region: Chaco and northern Alto Paraguay departments. Alternate names: MOROTOCO, MORO, AYORE, PYETA YOVAI. Dialects: TSIRACUA. Comments: Partially nomadic. NT 1982. Also spoken in: Bolivia. (Language name: AYOREO.) Population: 1,000 to 1,500 in Bolivia. Alternate names: AYORE, MOROTOCO, MORO, PYETA, YOVAI. Dialects: TSIRICUA. Comments: Called 'Morotoco' in Paraguay and Ayoreo in Bolivia. NT 1982.(extract from http://www.ethnologue.com/)
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