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Sigma KEE - AutomaticGun

A Gun that fires a burst of Projectiles with each pull of the trigger. Also known as a machine gun.
Parents Gun A Weapon that shoots a Projectile.
Children GatlingGunThe Gatling gun was the first highly successful rapid-repeating firearm. It was the first firearm to combine reliability, high firing rate and ease of loading into a single device. It was designed by the American inventor Richard J. Gatling, in 1861 and patented on May 9, 1862. In modern usage it typically refers to guns with a similar rotating barrel design. Depending on how one defines the term, the Gatling gun is not the first machine gun, despite frequent references to it as such, machine guns operate entirely on a fraction of the power of the fired cartridge, while the Gatling relies on external power (hand crank, or electric/hydraulic motor). (from Wikipedia)
 HeavyMachineGunA heavy machine gun refers to either a larger-caliber, high-power machine gun or one of the smaller, medium-caliber (rifle caliber) machine guns meant for prolonged firing from heavy mounts, less mobile, or static positions (or some combination of the two). The latter meaning is generally thought of as an older meaning, and the former as a modern one, but both weapon types have histories extending back to the 1800s. Furthermore, heavier smaller-caliber weapons continue to be used up to the present. A classic example of a rifle-caliber heavy machine gun would be a water-cooled Maxim machine gun that was belt fed, had a water jacket, was crew served, and mounted on tripod or wheeled mount. Other types used linkable strips (such as the Hotchkiss) or large magazines. A common example of a heavy-caliber machine gun would be the Browning M2 .50-caliber machine gun. Firearms with calibers larger than 13 to 15 mm are generally thought of as autocannons instead of heavy machine guns. (from Wikipedia)
 M240The M240 is a belt-fed 7.62 mm NATO medium machine gun. It has been used by the U.S. Armed Forces since the end of the 20th century, and is also used by other NATO forces. It is used extensively in the infantry as well as on vehicles and aircraft. Though not the lightest medium machine gun, it is highly regarded for reliability, and the firearm's standardization with those of other NATO allies is also seen as a major plus. The M240 designation is used to describe the whole family, but it is also a specic variant- a specialized co-axial model. There are many versions in service, see selected versions below: * M240- a co-axial version adopted in 1977 by the US Army for use * in tanks. This version of the FN MAG beat out the M60E2 and * M219, as well as host of other medium machine guns including the * MG3 and AA-52 co-axial versions. Entered service in the 1980s on * the M1 Abrams. * M240E1- a pintle mounted version that also entered service in * the 1980s. Also used by USMC. * M240G- a version used by the USMC starting 1994, including in * infantry configuration as opposed to the previous vehicle * mounted types. * M240B- a ground version adopted by the Army in the late 1990s, * with deliverys starting around 1998. Includes recoil buffer and * front heat guard. Beat out other medium MGs. * M240H- an improved model mainly for aircraft developed in the * early first decade of the 2000s. (from Wikipedia)
 M60The M60 (also seen 'M-60', formally Machine Gun, 7.62mm, M60) is a family of American belt-fed machine guns firing linked 7.62 - 51 mm NATO cartridges. In the U.S. military, the M60 has largely been replaced by various versions of the M240 as a medium machine gun, and by the M249 SAW as a squad automatic weapon. However, it remains in use in every branch, as well as some other countries (another major user was Australia), it continues to be manufactured into the 21st century. The M60 can be used in both offensive and defensive configurations. In the offense, it provides a higher rate of fire, greater effective range, and uses a larger caliber round than the standard-issue U.S. service rifle, the M16 family. In defensive use, the long range, close defensive, and final protective fires delivered by the M60 form an integral part of a unit's battle plan. The M60 is effective up to 1,100 meters when firing at an area target and mounted on a tripod, up to 800 meters when firing at an area target using the integral bipod, up to 600 meters when firing at a point target, and up to 200 meters when firing at a moving point target. United States Marine Corps doctrine holds that the M60 and other weapons in its class are capable of suppressive fire on area targets out to 1,500 meters if the gunner is sufficiently skilled. (from Wikipedia)

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