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lowAltitudeWindVelocity Hydrocarbon
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HurghadaEgypt (hurghada egypt) listingSeller (listing seller)
HuronLanguage (huron language) load (load)
Hurricane (hurricane) loanFeeAmount (loan fee amount)
HurricaneSeason (hurricane season) loanForPurchase (loan for purchase)
HutteriteGermanLanguage (hutterite german language) loanInterest (loan interest)
HwlaLanguage (hwla language) localLongName (local long name)
Hybrid-Strictness (hybrid- strictness) localShortName (local short name)
Hybrid-SystemBehavior (hybrid- system behavior) located (located)
HybridStrictness (HybridStrictness) locatedAtTime (located at time)
HybridSystemBehavior (HybridSystemBehavior) locationMeasuringList (location measuring list)
HyderabadIndia (Hyderabad India) loggedInDuring (logged-in during)
HydraCushionFreightCar (hydra cushion freight car) losesControl (loses control)
HydraulicCylinder (hydraulic cylinder) loss (loss)
HydraulicFluid (hydraulic fluid) loudness (loudness)
HydroElectricPowerGeneration (hydro electric power generation) lowAltitudeWindSpeed (low altitude wind speed)
LowAltitudeWindVelocity hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon (hydrocarbon) lowAltitudeWindVelocity (low altitude wind velocity)
HydrocarbonEmissionsIssue (hydrocarbon emissions issue) lowTide (low tide)
Hydrogen (hydrogen) lowestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (lowest decile share of household income)
HydrogenCyanide (hydrogen cyanide) lowestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncomeInPeriod (lowest decile share of household income in period)
Hydrometer (hydrometer) lowestTemperatureForPeriod (lowest temperature for period)
HydrophilicLipidHead (hydrophilic lipid head) lyricist (lyricist)
HydrophilicSide (hydrophilic side) magneticVariation (magnetic variation)
HydrophobicLipidTail (hydrophobic lipid tail) managedBy (managed by)
HydrophobicSide (hydrophobic side) manner (manner)
HydropowerWaterArea (hydropower water area) manufacturer (manufacturer)
Hydroxychloroquine (hydroxychloroquine) mapOfArea (map of area)
HyoglossusMuscle (hyoglossus muscle) marginBalanceAmount (margin balance amount)
Hyoid (Hyoid) marineInventory (marine inventory)
HyoidArtery (hyoid artery) maritimeClaimType (maritime claim type)
HyoidBone (hyoid bone) maritimeHazard (maritime hazard)
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