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counselInCase ClosingEyes
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ClimbingCarabiner (climbing carabiner) contraryAttributeWRT (contrary attribute WRT)
ClimbingRope (climbing rope) contraryProperty (contraryProperty)
ClippertonIsland (clipperton island) contrastRatio (contrast ratio)
Cloak (cloak) controlGroup (control group)
Clock (clock) controlled (controlled)
Clockwise (clockwise) conventionalLongName (official name)
Clonazepam (clonazepam) conventionalShortName (acronym)
CloseToEpiglottisFromMedianFibrousSeptum (CloseToEpiglottisFromMedianFibrousSeptum) conversionEvent (conversionEvent)
ClosedService (closed service) conveyance (conveyance)
ClosedTwoDimensionalFigure (closed two dimensional figure) cooccur (cooccur)
ClosedWorldPredicate (ClosedWorldPredicate) coolSeasonInArea (cool season in area)
Closet (closet) coordinates (coordinates)
Closing (closing) copy (copy)
ClosingAnAccount (closing an account) coreBodyTemp (coreBodyTemp)
ClosingContract (closing contract) corkageFee (corkage fee)
CounselInCase closingEyes
ClosingEyes (closing eyes) counselInCase (counsel in case)
ClosingGraphicalWindow (closing graphical window) couponInterest (coupon interest)
ClostridiumBotulinum (clostridium botulinum) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
ClostridiumPerfringens (clostridium perfringens) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
ClostridiumTetani (clostridium tetani) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
Clot (clot) cousin (cousin)
Clothed (clothed) covers (covers)
ClothesDryer (clothes dryer) coworker (coworker)
ClothesWashingMachine (clothes washing machine) creator (creator)
Clothing (clothing) creditLimit (credit limit)
ClothingAccessoriesStores (clothing accessories stores) creditRanking (credit ranking)
ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores (clothing and clothing accessories stores) creditsPerPeriod (credits per period)
ClothingStores (clothing stores) criticalityLevel (criticality level)
ClothingSuit (clothing suit) crossFunctionalTeamFocus (BinaryPredicate)
Clotting (clotting) crosses (crosses)
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