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priority PerCapitaFn
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Peninsula (peninsula) precipitationRate (precipitation rate)
Penne (penne) precipitationState (precipitation state)
Pennsylvania (pennsylvania) precondition (precondition)
PennsylvaniaDutchCuisine (Pennsylvania Dutch Cuisine) prefers (prefers)
PennsylvaniaGermanLanguage (pennsylvania german language) premise (premise)
PennyStock (penny stock) premium (premium)
PensionFunds (pension funds) prevents (prevents)
PensionPlan (pension plan) preventsSubclass (prevents subclass)
PentaploidCell (pentaploid cell) price (price)
Pentecost (Pentecost) pricePolicy (rate policy)
Pentecostal (pentecostal) priceRange (price range)
PentecostalChurch (Pentecostal church) primaryGeopoliticalSubdivision (primary geopolitical subdivision)
PenutianLanguage (penutian language) primaryGeopoliticalSubdivisionType (primary geopolitical subdivision type)
Pepcid (famotidine) primeInterestRate (prime interest rate)
PepticUlcers (peptic ulcers) principalAmount (principal amount)
Priority perCapitaFn
PerCapitaFn (per capita fn) priority (priority)
PerFn (per) probability (probability)
PeranakanIndonesianLanguage (peranakan indonesian language) processAborted (process aborted)
Perception (perception) processID (processID)
PerceptualAttribute (perceptual attribute) processInclusion (process inclusion)
PercussionInstrument (percussion instrument) processList (process list)
PerforatingArtery (perforating artery) produced (produced)
PerforatingBranchArtery (perforating branch artery) producedOn (produced on)
PerforatingBranchToThePosteriorTibialArtery (perforating branch to the posterior tibial artery) productBrand (product brand)
Performance (performance) productModel (product model)
PerformanceAct (performance act) productPrice (product price)
PerformanceBond (performance bond) profit (profit)
PerformanceMeasure (performance measure) programCopy (program copy)
PerformanceProgram (performance program) programRunning (program running)
PerformanceStage (performance stage) prohibitedItem (prohibited item)
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