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inflationRateOfConsumerPrices KoruboLanguage
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KoasatiLanguage (koasati language) income (income)
KohlanYemen (kohlan yemen) incomeDistributionByGiniIndex (income distribution by gini index)
KohoroxitariLanguage (kohoroxitari language) incomeDistributionByGiniIndexInPeriod (income distribution by gini index in period)
KokoNor (koko nor) incomeEarned (income earned)
KolschLanguage (kolsch language) increasesLikelihood (increases likelihood)
KomiLanguage (Komi language) independenceDate (independence date)
KomsomoLabadTajikistan (komsomo labad tajikistan) independentProbability (independent probability)
KongoBasedCreoleLanguage (kongo based creole language) industrialProductionGrowthRate (industrial production growth rate)
KongoLanguage (Kongo language) industrialProductionGrowthRateInPeriod (industrial production growth rate in period)
KoreanCuisine (Korean Cuisine) industryOfArea (industry of area)
KoreanLanguage (korean language) industryProductType (industry product type)
KoreanPeninsula (korean peninsula) industryRankByOutput (industry rank by output)
KoreanSignLanguage (korean sign language) industryServiceType (industry service type)
KorlaiCreolePortugueseLanguage (korlai creole portuguese language) inflationRate (inflationRate)
KoroshiLanguage (koroshi language) inflationRateInCountry (inflation rate in country)
InflationRateOfConsumerPrices koruboLanguage
KoruboLanguage (korubo language) inflationRateOfConsumerPrices (inflation rate of consumer prices)
KoryakAlyutorLanguage (koryak alyutor language) inflationRateOfConsumerPricesInPeriod (inflation rate of consumer prices in period)
KoryakLanguage (koryak language) ingredient (ingredient)
KrioGroupLanguage (krio group language) ingredientAmount (amount of ingredient)
KrioLanguage (krio language) inhabits (inhabits)
KriolLanguage (kriol language) inhibit (inhibit)
KrisaGroupLanguage (krisa group language) inhibits (inhibits)
KrisaLanguage (krisa language) initialList (initial list)
KrogerCompany (Kroger) initialPart (initial part)
Krypton (krypton) initiallyContainsPart (initially contains part)
KualaLumpurSignLanguage (kuala lumpur sign language) instance (instance)
Kufiyyah (kufiyyah) instrument (instrument)
KujargeLanguage (kujarge language) insured (insured)
KunarLanguage (kunar language) intelligenceQuotient (intelligence quotient)
KungFu (kung fu) interestEarned (interest earned)
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