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measurementReading KhankalaChechnya
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Kevzara (Kevzara) maternalAunt (maternal aunt)
Key (key) maternalUncle (maternal uncle)
KeyHoldDown (holding down a key) maturityDate (maturity date)
Keyboard (keyboard) maxCardinality (max cardinality)
KeyboardAction (keyboard action) maxCylinderVolume (max cylinder volume)
Keystone (keystone publication) maxDeviceOperatingTemp (maximum device operating temperature)
KfarBaAnehIsrael (kfar ba aneh israel) maxDeviceStorageTemp (maximum device storage temperature)
KfarDaromGazaStrip (kfar darom gaza strip) maxRoomCapacity (maximum capacity)
KfarDaromNetzarimIsrael (kfar darom netzarim israel) maxValue (max value)
KfarHessIsrael (kfar hess israel) maximumPayloadCapacity (maximum payload capacity)
KfarSabaIsrael (kfar saba israel) maximumPayloadHeightWidth (maximum payload height width)
KfarTzurifWestBank (kfar tzurif west bank) maximumReplications (maximum replications)
KfarYamGazaStrip (kfar yam gaza strip) mealPlanInclusion (meal plan inclusion)
Khamsin (khamsin) meanSeaLevel (mean sea level)
KhandesiLanguage (khandesi language) measure (measure)
MeasurementReading khankalaChechnya
KhankalaChechnya (khankala chechnya) measurementReading (measurement reading)
KhartoumSudan (khartoum sudan) measuringListDuration (measuring list duration)
Khat (khat) measuringListInterval (measuring list interval)
KhelilAlgeria (khelil algeria) measuringResult (measuring result)
Khimar (khimar) meatOfAnimal (meat of animal)
Khitan (khitan) meceCollection (mutually exclusive completely exhaustive)
KhmerLanguage (Khmer language) medicalPatient (medical patient)
KhobarSaudiArabia (khobar saudi arabia) medicine (medicine)
KhoisanLanguage (khoisan language) mediumAltitudeWindSpeed (medium altitude wind speed)
KhunsariLanguage (khunsari language) mediumAltitudeWindVelocity (medium altitude wind velocity)
KibbutzGalEdIsrael (kibbutz gal ed israel) meetsSpatially (meets spatially)
KibbutzMeravIsrael (kibbutz merav israel) meetsTemporally (meets temporally)
KibbutzSheluhotIsrael (kibbutz sheluhot israel) meltingPoint (melting point)
KibiriLanguage (kibiri language) member (member)
Kicking (kicking) memberAtTime (member at time)
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