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hostedOn InstrumentAbstractionLevel
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InputCharacterString (input character string) holdsDuring (holds during)
Insect (insect) holdsObligation (holds obligation)
Inserting (inserting) holdsRight (holds right)
InsertionFee (insertion fee) hole (hole)
Inside (inside) holidayTimeInArea (holiday time in area)
Insoluble (insoluble) home (home)
Insomnia (insomnia) homeAddress (home address)
InspirationEmotion (inspiration (emotion)) homePage (homepage)
Installing (installing) homePhoneNumber (home phone number)
Instant (Instant) homologousChromosome (homologous chromosome)
InstantMessaging (instant messaging) homologousChromosomePair (homologous chromosome pair)
InstepBone (instep bone) hopes (hopes)
InstitutionalFurnitureManufacturing (institutional furniture manufacturing) hostJitter (host jitter)
InstructionsPerSecond (instructions per second) hostOf (host of)
Instrument-AbstractionLevel (instrument- abstraction level) hostStatus (host status)
HostedOn instrumentAbstractionLevel
InstrumentAbstractionLevel (InstrumentAbstractionLevel) hostedOn (hosted on)
InstrumentManufacturingForMeasuringAndTestingElectricityAndElectricalSignals (instrument manufacturing for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals) hostileForces (hostile forces)
InstrumentsAndRelatedProductsManufacturingForMeasuringDisplayingAndControllingIndustrialProcessVariables (instruments and related products manufacturing for measuring displaying and controlling industrial process variables) hotSeasonInArea (hot season in area)
InsularCelticLanguage (insular celtic language) humanCapacity (human capacity)
InsulatorSubstance (insulator substance) humanName (human name)
Insulin (insulin) husband (husband)
InsuranceAgenciesAndBrokerages (insurance agencies and brokerages) identicalListItems (identical list items)
InsuranceAndEmployeeBenefitFunds (insurance and employee benefit funds) identityElement (identity element)
InsuranceCarriers (insurance carriers) ideologicalAffiliationOfOrganization (ideological affiliation of organization)
InsuranceCarriersAndRelatedActivities (insurance carriers and related activities) illicitDrugConsumer (illicit drug consumer)
InsuranceCompany (insurance company) illicitDrugProducer (illicit drug producer)
InsurancePolicy (insurance policy) illicitDrugShipmentDestination (illicit drug shipment destination)
IntakeValve (intake valve) illicitDrugTransshipmentPoint (illicit drug transshipment point)
Integer (integer) imageResolution (image resolution)
IntegerSquareRootFn (integer square root) immediateInstance (immediate instance)
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