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grasps Ice
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ISO-639-1 (ISO-639-1) geographicSubregion (geographic subregion)
ISRC (ISRC) geometricDistance (geometric distance)
ITAgent (IT agent) geometricPart (geometric part)
ITProcess (IT process) geopoliticalSubdivision (geopolitical subdivision)
ITunes (i-tunes) givenName (given name)
IVBolusTherapy (IV bolus therapy) governmentType (government type)
IVLine (IV Line) governorSpeed (governor speed)
IVTherapy (IV Therapy) grainSize (grain size)
IapamaLanguage (iapama language) grammaticalRelation (grammatical relation)
IberianBasedCreoleLanguage (iberian based creole language) grandfather (grandfather)
IberianCuisine (Iberian Cuisine) grandmother (grandmother)
IberoRomanceLanguage (ibero romance language) grandparent (grandparent)
IbsrilIraq (ibsril iraq) granularity (granularity)
IbuLanguage (ibu language) graphMeasure (graph measure)
Ibuprofen (ibuprofen) graphPart (graph part)
Grasps ice
Ice (ice) grasps (grasps)
IceBreakerShip (ice breaker ship) greaterThan (greater than)
IceCreamAndFrozenDessertManufacturing (ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing) greaterThanByQuality (greater than by quality)
IceHockey (ice hockey) greaterThanOrEqualTo (greater than or equal to)
IceHockeyPlayer (ice hockey player) grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod (GMB)
IceMachine (ice machine) grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod (GMV)
IceManufacturing (ice manufacturing) groundSubsurfaceType (ground subsurface type)
IceSkating (ice skating) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
IceSkatingRink (ice skating rink) groupMember (group member)
Iceberg (iceberg) groupingTitle (grouping title)
Iceland (iceland) guest (guest)
IcelandicCuisine (Icelandic Cuisine) guiElementCovered (GUI element covered)
IcelandicKrona (icelandic krona) guiElementCoveredBy (GUI element covered by)
IcelandicLanguage (Icelandic language) guiElementPartiallyCovered (GUI element partially covered)
IcelandicSignLanguage (icelandic sign language) guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy (GUI element partially covered by)
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