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currencyCode CocoaBean
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CoastalMarinePollutionIssue (coastal marine pollution issue) counselInCase (counsel in case)
CoastalPlain (coastal plain) couponInterest (coupon interest)
Coat (coat) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
CoatedAndLaminatedPackagingPaperAndPlasticsFilmManufacturing (coated and laminated packaging paper and plastics film manufacturing) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
CoatedAndLaminatedPaperManufacturing (coated and laminated paper manufacturing) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities (coating engraving heat treating and allied activities) cousin (cousin)
Cobalt (cobalt) covers (covers)
Cobble (cobble) coworker (coworker)
CocaCola (Coca-Cola) creator (creator)
Cocaine (cocaine) creditLimit (credit limit)
CoccidiodesPosadasii (coccidiodes posadasii) creditRanking (credit ranking)
CoccidioidesImmitis (coccidioides immitis) creditsPerPeriod (credits per period)
CoccygeusMuscle (coccygeus muscle) criticalityLevel (criticality level)
Coccyx (coccyx) crossFunctionalTeamFocus (BinaryPredicate)
Cocktail (cocktail) crosses (crosses)
CurrencyCode cocoaBean
CocoaBean (cocoa bean) currencyCode (currency code)
CocoaButter (cocoa butter) currencyExchangePerUSDollar (currency exchange perUS dollar)
CocoaLiquor (cocoa liquor) currencyExchangeRate (currency exchange rate)
CocoaSolid (cocoa solid) currencyExchangeRateInPeriod (currency exchange rate in period)
CocoaTouch (Cocoa Touch) currencyType (currency type)
CocoaTree (cocoa tree) currencyValue (currency value)
CoconucanLanguage (coconucan language) currentAccountBalance (current account balance)
Coconut (coconut) currentInterestRate (current interest rate)
CoconutOil (coconut oil) customer (customer)
CocosKeelingIslands (cocos keeling islands) customerRepresentative (customer representative)
Cod (cod) customerValue (customer value)
CodeMap (code map) cylinderBore (cylinder bore)
CodingScheme (coding scheme) cz (cz)
CoffeaArabica (coffea arabica) dailyLimit (daily limit)
CoffeaRobusta (coffea robusta) dampingRatio (damping ratio)
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