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subString TruckUtilityTrailerAndRVRecreationalVehicleRentalAndLeasing
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TropicalDepression (tropical depression) stringLength (string length)
TropicalFruit (tropical fruit) student (student)
TropicalRainForest (tropical rain forest) subAttribute (sub attribute)
TropicalStorm (tropical storm) subBrand (sub-brand)
TropicalTimber83Agreement (tropical timber83 agreement) subCollection (sub collection)
TropicalTimber94Agreement (tropical timber94 agreement) subEchelon (sub echelon)
Tropics (tropics) subField (sub field)
Troponin (troponin) subGraph (sub graph)
Trosroerelsen (Trosroerelsen) subLanguage (sub language)
Trousers (trousers) subList (sub list)
Truck (truck) subOrganization (sub organization)
TruckTractor (truck tractor) subOrganizations (subOrganizations)
TruckTrailer (truck trailer) subPlan (sub plan)
TruckTrailerManufacturing (truck trailer manufacturing) subProcess (sub process)
TruckTransportation (truck transportation) subProposition (sub proposition)
SubString truckUtilityTrailerAndRVRecreationalVehicleRentalAndLeasing
TruckUtilityTrailerAndRVRecreationalVehicleRentalAndLeasing (truck utility trailer andRV recreational vehicle rental and leasing) subString (sub string)
True (true) subSystem (sub system)
TrueRibBone (true rib bone) subclass (subclass)
TrukaLanguage (truka language) subjectiveAttribute (subjective attribute)
TrumaiLanguage (trumai language) subordinateInOrganization (subordinate in organization)
TrussManufacturing (truss manufacturing) subordinatePosition (subordinate position)
TrustFiduciaryAndCustodyActivities (trust fiduciary and custody activities) subrelation (subrelation)
TrustsEstatesAndAgencyAccounts (trusts estates and agency accounts) subset (subset)
TruthValue (truth value) substanceElement (substance element)
TsakonianGreekLanguage (tsakonian greek language) subsumedExternalConcept (subsumed external concept)
TsakwamboLanguage (tsakwambo language) subsumesContentClass (subsumes content class)
TsimaneLanguage (tsimane language) subsumesContentInstance (subsumes content instance)
TsongaLanguage (Tsonga language) subsumingExternalConcept (subsuming external concept)
TsotsitaalLanguage (tsotsitaal language) subtitle (subtitle)
Tsunami (tsunami) successEvent (exclusive)
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