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policyLocationCoverage NorwegianKrone
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NorthernSamiLanguage (Northern Sami language) physicalAmplitude (physical amplitude)
NorthernSeaRoute (northern sea route) physicalDomain (physical domain)
NorthernSouthAmerica (northern south america) physicalEnd (physical end)
NorthernTamasheqLanguage (northern tamasheq language) physicalInclusion (physical inclusion)
NorthernUzbekLanguage (northern uzbek language) piece (piece)
NorthernWakashanLanguage (northern wakashan language) pin (pin)
NorthernYukaghirLanguage (northern yukaghir language) pistonStroke (piston stroke)
Northwest (northwest) plaintiff (plaintiff)
NorthwestPashayiLanguage (northwest pashayi language) plantInArea (garden)
NorthwestPassage (northwest passage) plays (plays)
NorthwesternIranianLanguage (northwestern iranian language) playsRoleInEvent (plays role in event)
NorthwesternPacificOcean (Northwestern Pacific Ocean) playsRoleInEventOfType (plays role in event of type)
NorthwesternZoneIndoAryanLanguage (northwestern zone indo aryan language) pointOfFigure (point of figure)
Norway (norway) pointOfIntersection (point of intersection)
NorwegianCuisine (Norwegian Cuisine) policyInclusion (policy inclusion)
PolicyLocationCoverage norwegianKrone
NorwegianKrone (norwegian krone) policyLocationCoverage (policy location coverage)
NorwegianLanguage (Norwegian language) policyOwner (policy owner)
NorwegianSignLanguage (norwegian sign language) politicalPartyOfCountry (political party of country)
Nose (nose) populationDensity (populationDensity)
Nostril (nostril) populationFractionBelowPovertyLine (population fraction below poverty line)
NostrilAndUpperLip (NostrilAndUpperLip) populationFractionBelowPovertyLineInPeriod (population fraction below poverty line in period)
NotSpeaking (not speaking) portNumber (port number)
Note (note) possesses (possesses)
Notification (notification) postAddressText (post address text)
Notifying (notifying) postCity (post city)
Noum (Noum) postContactSite (post contact site)
Noun (noun) postCountry (post country)
NounPhrase (noun phrase) postDistrict (post district)
Novartis (Novartis) postNeighborhood (post neighborhood)
Novel (novel) postPostOfficeBox (post post office box)
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