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detainedAtTimeInPlace CostumeJewelryAndNoveltyManufacturing
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CorteFrance (corte france) defaultNetwork (default network)
Cortisol (cortisol) defaultValue (default value)
CorumTurkey (corum turkey) defendant (defendant)
Corvette (Corvette) defenseLawyer (defense lawyer)
CorynebacteriumDiphtheriae (corynebacterium diphtheriae) deliveryRegion (delivery region)
CosineFn (cosine) dependencyDelay (dependency delay)
CosmeticsBeautySuppliesAndPerfumeStores (cosmetics beauty supplies and perfume stores) dependencyType (dependency type)
CosmetologyAndBarberSchools (cosmetology and barber schools) dependentAreaOfType (dependent area of type)
CostaRica (costa rica) dependentGeopoliticalArea (dependent geopolitical area)
CostaRicanColon (costa rican colon) deprivesNorm (deprives norm)
CostaRicanCuisine (Costa Rican Cuisine) depth (depth)
CostaRicanSignLanguage (costa rican sign language) describes (describes)
CostalCartilage (CostalCartilage) designPattern (design pattern)
CostalCartilagesOfLast34RibsBodyOfSternumXiphoidProcess (CostalCartilagesOfLast34RibsBodyOfSternumXiphoidProcess) desires (desires)
CostocervicalTrunkArtery (costocervical trunk artery) destination (destination)
DetainedAtTimeInPlace costumeJewelryAndNoveltyManufacturing
CostumeJewelryAndNoveltyManufacturing (costume jewelry and novelty manufacturing) detainedAtTimeInPlace (detained at time in place)
CosworthCorp (Cosworth Corporation) detainee (detainee)
CosworthEngine (Cosworth engine) deutschesFormat (deutschesFormat)
CoteDIvoire (coteD ivoire) developmentalForm (developmental form)
Cotton (cotton) deviceAccount (device account)
CottonFabric (cotton fabric) deviceOS (device OS)
CottonFarming (cotton farming) deviceState (device state)
CottonGinning (cotton ginning) deviceTelecomNumber (device telecom number)
CottonSeedOil (cotton seed oil) diameter (diameter)
CottonwoodTree (cottonwood tree) diastolicBloodPressure (diastolic blood pressure)
Coughing (coughing) diplomaticOrganizationType (diplomatic organization type)
Coulomb (coulomb) diplomaticRelations (diplomatic relations)
Coumadin (Coumadin) diplomaticRepresentationType (diplomatic representation type)
CouncilForMutualEconomicAssistance (council for mutual economic assistance) diplomaticRepresentativeInRole (diplomatic representative in role)
CouncilOfArabEconomicUnity (council of arab economic unity) directed (directed)
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