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chiefOfState CentripetalMotion
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CentralBirdsHeadLanguage (central birds head language) causesProposition (causes proposition)
CentralEurope (central europe) causesSubclass (causes subclass)
CentralEuropeanInitiative (central european initiative) cb (cb)
CentralGreatAndamaneseLanguage (central great andamanese language) cellShape (cell shape)
CentralIranianLanguage (central iranian language) chamberOfLegislature (chamber of legislature)
CentralOkinawanLanguage (central okinawan language) chanceryAddressInArea (chancery address in area)
CentralPashtoLanguage (central pashto language) chanceryFAXNumberInArea (chanceryFAX number in area)
CentralPointOfPerineum (CentralPointOfPerineum) chanceryMailingAddressInArea (chancery mailing address in area)
CentralRetinalArtery (central retinal artery) chanceryTelephoneNumberInArea (chancery telephone number in area)
CentralSiouanLanguage (central siouan language) changesLocation (changes location)
CentralSouthAmerica (central south america) checkAccount (check account)
CentralTimeZone (central time zone) checkInTime (check-in time)
CentralZoneIndoAryanLanguage (central zone indo aryan language) checkNumber (check number)
CentrallyPlannedEconomy (centrally planned economy) checkOutTime (check-out time)
CentrifugalMotion (centrifugal motion) chiefOfDiplomaticMission (chief of diplomatic mission)
ChiefOfState centripetalMotion
CentripetalMotion (centripetal motion) chiefOfState (chief of state)
CenturyDuration (century duration) chiefOfStateType (chief of state type)
CentuumLanguage (centuum language) chromosomeNumber (chromosome number)
Cephalosporin (Cephalosporin) chromosomeSetCount (chromosome set count)
CeramicWallAndFloorTileManufacturing (ceramic wall and floor tile manufacturing) circumfrence (circumfrence)
CerealGrain (cereal grain) citizen (citizen)
CerealGrainFarming (cereal grain farming) claimedTerritory (claimed territory)
CerealGrass (cereal grass plant) classmate (classmate)
CerealStarch (cereal starch) climateTypeInArea (climate type in area)
CerebellarArtery (cerebellar artery) closedOn (closed on)
CerebralArtery (cerebral artery) closingPrice (closing price)
Ceremony (ceremony) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
Cerium (cerium) coaches (coaches)
Certificate (certificate) codeMapping (code mapping)
CertificateOfDeposit (certificate of deposit) coding (coding)
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