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onOrientation PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage
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OxygenatedBlood (oxygenated blood) numberOfCustomers (number of customers)
Oyster (oyster) numberOfFloors (number of floors)
OysterMeat (oyster) numberSeniorOccupant (number of senior occupants)
OzamisPhilippines (ozamis philippines) objectAttached (attached)
OzoneDepletionIssue (ozone depletion issue) objectDetached (detached)
OzoneLayerProtectionProtocol (ozone layer protection protocol) objectGeographicCoordinates (object geographic coordinates)
OzoneShield (ozone shield) objectOfBid (object of bidding)
OzumatlanTotonacaLanguage (ozumatlan totonaca language) objectTransferred (object transferred)
PCCCar (PCC car) observedAtTimeInPlace (observed at time in place)
PDFFile (PDF file) observesHoliday (observes holiday)
PHValue (PH value) occupation (occupation)
PPIFn (qualifying purchases per user per interval) occupiesPosition (occupies position)
PPPBasedEconomicValuation (PPP based economic valuation) offers (offers)
PPSFn (qualifying purchases per user) offersAtTime (offers at time)
PacificCommunity (pacific community) older (older)
OnOrientation pacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage
PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage (pacific english based creole language) onOrientation (on orientation)
PacificEnglishBasedPidginLanguage (pacific english based pidgin language) onboard (onboard)
PacificIslandForum (pacific island forum) operator (operator)
PacificOcean (pacific ocean) oppositeDirection (opposite direction)
PacificRimCuisine (Pacific Rim Cuisine) optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee (optimal grind size for making coffee)
PacificTimeZone (pacific time zone) optionHolder (option holder)
PackagedFrozenFoodWholesalers (packaged frozen food wholesalers) optionSeller (option seller)
PackagingAndLabelingServices (packaging and labeling services) or (or)
PackagingMachineryManufacturing (packaging machinery manufacturing) orbits (orbits)
Packet (packet) orderFor (order for)
PacketsPerSecond (packets per second) orgStaff (organization staff)
PackingAndCrating (packing and crating) organizationName (organization name)
PaddyRice (paddy rice) organizationProductType (organization product type)
PaezLanguage (paez language) organizationServiceType (organization service type)
PaezanLanguage (paezan language) organizationUnit (organizationUnit)
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